Katherine McPhee Bikini of the Day


Katherine McPhee proves that if you get chosen to sing on American Idol, back when American Idol was a little more relevant, unless it is still relevant, I am just not exposed to the white trash trailer park people who are into the show, thanks to not having cable, or friends….

You can one day post a pic of you in a bikini top and people will care…

I think that along with Seacrest, and Kelly Clarkson, she’s probably the only person from the show to leverage that experience into something bigger…Seacrest gets to date models in his castle while sitting on all his Kardashian money, while Kelly Clarkson can afford all the cake she wants, and this McPhee girl can say she’s on TV…

Unless you count Clay Aiken being a sperm donor for whoever he was a sperm donor for…

Either way…bikini top…not very exciting…but still a bikini top…

Katherine McPhee Bikini of the Day April 6th, 2015