Edita Vilkeviciute Topless in Flair of the Day


Here’s a perfectly timed boxing shoot, becasue boxing happened this weekend, which you already knew all about, because all of a sudden everyone in the world became boxing fans, thanks to social media and viral marketing…

People who don’t give a fuck about boxing, were watching boxing, like it mattered to them…all because it was the thing to do..

You fucking drones…

The model’s name is Edita…I’ve posted her pics a bunch of times before..she’s one of those nude models, who is actually a fashion model, who shows tits, in what I call Fashion porn, even though it’s not porn at all, because tits can’t be pornographic…they are the food source for our babies…I don’t see how could they be sexualized, or deemed inappropriate, when pure innocent babies use them to feed and survive…

Oh right…cuz I want to cum all over them..

That’s why…

Edita Vilkeviciute Topless in Flair of the Day May 4th, 2015