Doutzen Kroes Breast Feeding Picture of the Day


I think it is safe to say that this Free the Nipple campaign is artificial. Just another idea for hipster idiots who are entitled thanks to the internet and so tolerant that they are intolerant, and not just to lactose and gluten, but to everything….you know acting more educated than people of the past…but really too ADD to really dig deeper than the surface…it’s like “champion this issue” and move on…especially when masked as body shaming, feminism, or sexuality…

The whole thing is idiotic…

Especially with breast feeding…my entire life has involved babies being fed in public near and around me, and not just because I follow new moms around after their baby swim classes…but because women breast feed in fucking public and probably have since we were in tribes…

The only people that don’t like breast feeding is Facebook /Instagram…and they are evil assholes who monetize your content..and if you pulled your head out of your self involved asses and were less focused on “Likes” you’d realize the real issue here is that you feed into social media…rather than actually do things to make a cunts..

But I do like seeing nipples in protest of anything…from abortion to trannies…show your nipples and I’m there..

This is not a cause…

Doutzen Kroes Breast Feeding Picture of the Day June 8th, 2015