Miley Cyrus FOR ELLE US of the Day


Miley Cyrus has pretty much peaked. It’d be hard for her to top the cash grab she grabbed the last album and tour – and she’s really put her entire self out there – vagina bush and all – only to fade into obscurity – almost forgotten but still Miley Cyrus…until now, when she’s doing media for Elle US being tame and boring….and possibly in a see through dress…but definitely not the novelty act the perverts of America and the teen hipsters who think she’s TUMBLR COOL – because she ripped off TUMBLR to be cool…are looking for…

It’s just where can she go from here…she’s obviously always going to make money – and will continue to exist – but there’s nothing more eventful that she can bring your life…so she might as well be dead…

Miley Cyrus FOR ELLE US of the Day September 12th, 2016