Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine of the Day

Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine

Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck else would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…

More importantly, who would be reading a site about their cleavage…like it’s hot…or like it matters…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because they produce it themselves, or because they have interns….

Then there’s the whole social media thing, you can watch social media streams from your mini computer…and you don’t need people like me….posting up pictures from a magazine of an older woman who won the lottery and now plays WonderWoman, in what I assume is Jewish guilt, like the producer of the movie felt bad that there weren’t enough women from the motherland in the movies, so they scooped her up in what could be a charitable effort…but I don’t know the actual story…I just know I don’t watch Wonder Woman movies, but apparently I pander to their promotional tours that made this Gal extra famous and rich..even though she’s old….

She was also at the Justice League Premiere in Asia because she’s in it, part of her Lottery Win that was Wonder Woman – you can see the pics if you CLICK HERE

Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine of the Day October 27th, 2017