Emily Bett Rickards in Panties of the Day

Emily Bett Rickards in Panties

I don’t watch Arrow, there’s something about Low Budget, Canadian produced garbage TV shows that I fucking hate and have hated since Xena Warrior Princess and Hercules…it makes me want to break shit…

I think it has to do with the shows being on for free back when I didn’t have cable, but I did have a roommate who would watch the shit…

I was surprised when I found out that that style of shite became an actual genre and all these superhero shows people actually watch have the same shit vibe…

But I guess nerds love all things comic they used to read, and all women who participate in those shows based on the comics they read, like this Emily Brett chick, looking slutty…

She’s straight from the mean streets of Vancouver, now too famous to care about Canada, but still Canadian programming and here she is.

Emily Bett Rickards in Panties of the Day November 14th, 2017