Edita Vilkeviciute has been a naked big titty model for fashion for a long fucking time, so long that she was pre-instagram, where I predict she would have never made it as famous or as exclusive as she did in the fashion industry, had she come out during the instagram era, since every bitch gets naked in shoots like this now, even fat chicks, and brands are hiring them….
I guess that makes her both old and lucky, a slut willing to get naked and pretend its art, before it was just shameless attention seeing to get famous.
She’s got big tits for a model, which is always fun, since most standard models have small tits, and I am all for small tits, they are far more manageable for my mouth, but it’s always nice to stare at a fat titty bitch doing fat titty things…not that these tits are that FAT, but keep in mind, she’s a fashion model so in context they are…this isn’t no BBW chick doing titty stunts for attention, like suffocating a midget with her tits that are bigger than him, or other similar weirdness cuz the rest of her is so gross and that’s her angle…this is hot, not old, model naked and I like it.

Posted in:Edita Vilkeviciute