Noah Cyrus Got Them Tits Out of the Day

Noah Cyrus Tits

These rich kids from Hollywood are so disconnected from their HICK roots that created Achy Breaky Heart and set the family up for fucking life, that when they do their slutty cowgirl from the future, or is it a COWTHING now that everything must remain genderless…in a has COWBOY and COWGIRL gone WOKE?….I guess even if it didn’t she’s a fucking COWTHING…

The funny thing about Noah Cyrus is that she’s out here trying to be a celebrity, because I guess everyone thinks they are celebrities, it’s the era, and when you have a famous family, it’s easier for you to be famous too…even when looking as ugly as this…instead of just cruising off the perks of celebrity by being in the family, without having to do and share all your thoughts and images, save that for the famous one…

But yeah, the whole spoiled LA rich kid doing COUNTRY because COUNTRY is trendy now thanks to Diplo, even though Country has always been awesome…is basically some appropriation…that should make all the Cowboys out there mad or offended…but when you look like you belong in a barn like Noah’s face seems to imply you probably are too busy figuring out how to trap it so that it doesn’t get into the feed, than being offended by its outfit….

Either way, here’s Noah Cyrus trying real hard to be hot.

Here she is showing off her new car…


Noah Cyrus Got Them Tits Out of the Day July 21st, 2020