Upside Down Dove Cameron of the Day

Dove Cameron Upside Down

Dove Cameron who I prefer to call Dove Cambidextrous because you can jerk off to her shameless self promotion with both your hands….is some face filled freak destroyed by Disney.

Along with face fillers, the 24 year old has won a Daytime Emmy for her performance on some Disney Show called Liv and Maddie…and she’s also on some other show called the Descendents, which is not about the punk band….Milo Went to College the Musical….it’s probably some other Disney produced smut to brain wash the youth..

Like all Disney Kids at 24, she’s overly sexualized….and a multi-talented actor, singer and dancer…so along with shitty acting gigs, she’s also got a singing career for her millions of brain washed fans and perverts who follow her because she’s overly sexualized.

She’s a puppet, like all these other puppets and here are her titties…kinda…


Upside Down Dove Cameron of the Day September 8th, 2020