Kate Hudson Still Drunk of the Day

Kate Hudson Bikini

Sometimes I wonder if Goldie Hawn’s daughter who stole her existence because Goldie Hawn got aged out, because of AGEISM but Hollywood still needed a cute blonde with bubble butt to be a bubbly little minx in shitty movies….is her actual clone from some elite cloning center us normals aren’t allowed to experience or know they exist…but when motherfuckers are cloning sheep in the 90s, race horses for 20 years, and now household pets for $50k which I would 100 percent do if I had $50k….you know that they are also cloning humans, I mean why wouldn’t they….it’s just a matter of figuring out who the reals are and who the clones are…

I also wonder if Kate Hudson really was the reason Owen Wilson tried to kill himself when they were dating, or if I just made that shit up 20 years ago and ran with it…

I don’t wonder if Kate Hudson is a drunken rich white woman who loves her wine while making her billions with her slutty mom fitness apparel….because I know that much is true…

This is her bikini pic for attention, reminding you that moms of multiple kids with multiple dads in their 40s can do bikini pics too…especially when they are rich, famous and luxurious and not living in the housing projects like many poor fat white women are…


Kate Hudson Still Drunk of the Day July 6th, 2021