So the day has come that Lohan finally got busted for her underage partying antics. I was really convinced that she was just doing this shit to fuck with the media, but in being an immature, irresponsible and insane young girl with too much time on her hands and too much money in her pocket, the reckless cry for help ended in a drunk car accident that she left the scene of, but forgot to take her cocaine with her only to get arrested at the hospital and now she will be facing jail time, even though I am pretty sure it won’t actually come to that because she is famous. Part of me thinks this was staged because her and Paris are on a constant trying to one-up the other….
See if I had an accident while drunk I’d do a few things…the first would be ditching my drugs in the closest sewer. The second would be to take as many allergy pills or prescribed pills as I could and I’d hide out with lots of water and wait until the alcohol wore off before making my way to the hospital where I know I’d get caught.
See Lohan had the chance to go hide out for a few hours before going to the hospital where she was caught, she had time to get rid of her drugs and she had time to take some prescription pills that would allow for her to have a case against being under the influence. I know 10 people who have refused to blow the breathalizer and blamed allergy meds for the accident and shit held up in court. She didn’t do any of that, so that means she staged all this because it gets her more media coverage than Paris….
It is probably going to have detrimental affects on her budding acting career, it’s safe to say she won’t be one of those actors with longevity. She’s on some self-destructive path that makes me think this is what she wants. Maybe she’s tired of all the attention and this is the only way to get out of the job. I remember when I worked at the factory, I would break as many rules as possible to get fired, because I couldn’t bring myself to quitting because I needed the money and I knew quitting was bad for making money, but getting fired meant it wasn’t my fault.
Lohan has enough money to retire and it’s too bad that she is too fucked up and self-absorbed to bother doing something good for society instead of all this shit. I guess no one really cares about a bitch who donates her time and money to sick kid charities or AIDS Charities, people are way more into scandals…..
Either way, I am glad that she didn’t run anyone over, I am glad she didn’t James Dean herself and I am glad she still hasn’t had an fatal overdose because I still want to see video of her giving a blowjob and taking it up the ass.
These pictures are of her leaving whatever bar she was partying at the night of the incident. By the look of it, she looks fucking wrecked…I’ve been driven by people who were probably more fucked than this girl and I have driven while more fucked than this girl and I never got caught. That doesn’t make it ok, so Don’t Drink and Drive.

I am – Not the News So Follow These Links for the Story….
x17 Insider Story of the Event and Police Statement and the Lesbian Cock is Involved
x17 Incident Overview with Pictures
x17 Incident Overview with Timeline and Video
Splashnews Video of the Event
TMZ Lohan Busted With Coke
TMZ Lohan Arrested with a DUI
Posted in:Arrested|Cocaine|Drunk|DUI|Hipster|Lindsay Lohan|Unsorted