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Archive for the Denise Richards Category




Dusty Denise Richards Being Old and Erotic of the Day

This just in – Denise Richards is still too old to behaving like this, yet she continues to behave like this, since money is a crazy thing that makes even rotten bitches bring their pussies that have been bred with Charlie Sheen out of retirement, dust that fucker off, and see how many stragglers will pull out their credit cards because jerking off to WILD THINGS one every year or ten years, isn’t enough for them.

Old ladies doing slutty selfies for money, reminds me of old ladies on face time, or on their selfie cams making ugly faces, the technology is too advanced for them, this era is not their era of porn being produced by experts, the self starter porn is just amateur and not in a hot way.

I’ll still watch the humiliation, I like it, but I’am also an asshole, and luckily, the old blown out Denise Richards asshole is not being an asshole, the amount of shit has it’s had coupled with the dicks it has had gets that fucker eliminated from the race, expelled, disqualifed for having more experience than required…..you get what I am saying, you can’t see her asshole in her content because she doesn’t know how to produce ccontent and we’re lucky for that.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Rocking some Lingerie of the Day

And so the Denise Richards humiliation continues.

The “What will she do for money?” questions continue to be answered.

The “Does she think she’s still hot?’ and the “Does she know she’s old as shit?”….”Does she think the filters and editing make it like a cartoon version of her?” and the “is she lacking so much self awareness because her ego is so big that even when she’s old and rotting, she still feels hotter than a normie?”….maybe it’s her sex doll beta kitten programming glitching out….looping on “get naked for money, get naked for money”……where NOTHING else matters do not get answered.

I don’t have the answers, I just know it’s happening…

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Nude in Bed of the Day

Denise Richarsds was in some viral story yesterday about how she was shot at in a road rage incident on her way to some movie she’s filming, probably with Billy Baldwin, so you know it is going to suck.

Getting that headline, meant THROW UP A HIGHLY EDITED NUDE ON MY FAN SITE, because people will be looking her up and it’s a great opportunity to get paid, even if her nudes are some of the weirdest nudes out there….nudes that I can only refer to as old lady nudes…because she missed the generation of how to nude because she is from a pre-internet time.

Despite being rich or a housewife, or a rich housewife, she’s still out there hustling, maybe because her Charlie Sheen kid turned 18 and Child Support ended, maybe because she’s a compulsive spender, or maybe because she likes the attention or the idea that dudes are such fucking weirdos they would pay to see her nude way past her prime….I mean she’s too blown out for AIDS ridden Charlie Sheen to keep around, he had to give her away to her new husband AARON, who was also shot at…..

So my theory is, they hired the guy to shoot them to sell nudes, because they need the money, maybe FTX brought them down, or they need dudes jerking off to a highly edited Denise to remind AARON that he’s with a girl people want to fuck, which fades when they fully rot out like an old log in the forest.


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Gash Shot of the Day

I find Denise Richards pretty fucking depressing, whether it’s the terrible movies she probably still stars in, or her reality show bullshit, it’s like leave the hot chick we think of as Denise Richards in the past, in the archives, for the google searches, we don’t need to see the dying, dinosaur, possibly HIV positive, definitely blown out Denise Richards, no matter how many filters and photoshop strokes she’s put into a picture that is more a caricature or cartoon version of herself than a real version of herself….it’s depressing.

Luckily, depressing porn is my thing, big fan of the sadness that brings women to fill their piggy banks up using their vagina, so seeing this old lady gash that you know she’s doing for money, or attention, to these narcissists scumbags, the two are interchangeable….because I am sure she could afford to go off grid, or offline in some tropical place, never to be heard of again, but she’s not HAVING that. No way…

I’ll still look at the gash, you know because of the whole depressing porn aspect to it, and obviously my love for vagina in all shapes, sizes, age, level of biohazard, and fame….

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Skinny Dip of the Day

I like to document Denise Richards on her quest to be an old timer whore that didn’t feel the need to leave her nudes in the past, you know before she was a 60 year old rotten pile of silicone and flesh….

I used to think it was funny that she would jump into the OnlyFans selling nude things because she couldn’t find other work and I felt she was probably failing at luring subscribers, even though I know that fanboys are fucking loyal, and there’s enoygh 40+ socially awkward freaks to throw 10-100 bucks a month her way out of sympathy or because they never got over their love…

But then I realized that OnlYFans probably paid her a large up front sum of money to get on board and deliver a specific amount of content for marketing, so she doesn’t need to be chasing the 20 dollar subscribers, and taht made me sad….it took the pathetic I wanted out of it, but it’s still shameful and disgusting, so I guess still pathetic, just not AS pathetic.

This is her ass in her pool at what is probably her rich person house, and it’s pretty brave of her knowing that chlorine probably burns the sores…..

Not enough asshole, not enough dried, leathery, old, used, dead pussy, but it’s an old ass in the pool and that’s something.


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Continues of the Day

I’ve been watching the Denise Richards OnlyFans trainwreck since I first heard that her and her daughter were launching OnlyFans as the people of the pervert generation on a money hustle do!

What I forgot in watching the whole thing unfold, is that the Billionaire, who has been an advertiser on this site over the years for his other website (Myfreecams), and who we think is a pretty fucking brilliant internet marketer, not to suck no dick, but he’s a fucking billionaire off owning a platform that celebs you’d never expect to sell nudes, sell nudes on, it’s brilliant!

But yeah, OnlyFans gives people signing bonuses that they can’t refuse, because they know the marketing hype, the money they’ll make back and the spillover in influencing others to get on board, is just a proven business model, so they likely gave Denise Richards 1,000,000 dollars to do this and in a “what would you do for a million dollars” questionnaire, selling nudes to lame fans is probably high up on the list!

So I’m here thinking NO ONE cares to see a half dead Denise Richards, thinking she’s pathetic or desperate now that Child Support Payments from Charlie Sheen have ended, but she likely got paid off the top and is fulfilling commitments, in the worst way possible, because there is no way anyone is actually into this, when they can just watch her old smut!

Either way, it’s a trainwreck I like, even though I hate it, but it’s humiliating for her, even if she got paid, and that’s funny!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Weirdness Continues of the Day

I still haven’t got the Lawyers letter to stop posting the Denise Richards nudes, so maybe she’s using me for marketing purposes, you know to recruit you dear reader onto her platform, which I am all for, if you’re into this shit, PAY the fuck up and show the late 90s babe the attention she clearly needs!

I like to hope that she just can’t afford to hire a lawyer to come after me like the other OnlyFans girls who make millions a month and HATE when their content is shared, because they are trying to control the NATURAL flow of information the internet is known for and so beautiful because of!

You know, put it to the internet, let it have a life of its own, never see it disappear because the internet doesn’t forget! They get their money from the fans, but if a fan pays the shit, let him share it with the rest of us, he paid for this shit, and focus on new content rather than POLICING the content, even if this is embarrassing content that NEEDS to be policed!

I find the whole Denise Richards, now that her daughter is 18 and not getting her child support, has decided to jump into the OnlyFans shit, only because she’s higher profile as a name, not necessary someone you think is rich as shit, or someone you don’t think is a whore, but based on her age and legacy alone, you’d expect her to not be so openly whorish with her body, you know keep it low key, but to be so public about it, when it is so gross, terrifying!

She was on a reality show, wasn’t she? Real Housewives is a big deal, making this move ALL the weirder, and all the more humilating, but I fucking love every second of it, I’m almost tempted to subscribe to encourage her to keep going!

I mean look at that thick, well travelled, old, battered, calloused, destroyed, sad labia hanging out of her shorts, its fucking brilliant, and those TITS, what ARE those, outer worldly, makes me want to save her or some shit, like I’ve said before, this is seeing your high school crush working the street corner 25 years later to feed her addiction, you have no choice but to throw a 5 dollar bill at her for a dick suck, NO CHOICE!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Brings the ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG of the Day

I think my new favorite thing to do is watching the trainwreck that is Denise Richards and her nude content for her subscription site, because this shit is ridiculous, humiliating and confusing to me!

Is she really that strapped for cash that this is her only option, or is this some kind of mental break that happens when your pervert ex-husband has fucked every porn chick until getting HIV, to make her feel like that’s the only life she needs!

Does she even have fans that SUPPORT her on this level, if they do is it to jerk off or just for charity, like how sad it is to see an ex celebrity crush end up like this, almost like seeing your high school crush working the street corner 20 years later, forcing you to feel the need to throw 20 dollars her way, for the blowjob obviously, you’re fucking DEAD on the inside, but you know, you did it to SUPPORT HER, and feel better about yourself knowing how she rejected you so hard it negatively impacted your dating life forever, bitch!

This Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, is being a little too real, the fakest muppet face around, but would she be better if she wasn’t showing us her asshole, fuck no, this is GENIUS, amazing, all I could have ever wanted out of her back in the WILD THINGS days, just “I hope she gets naked in her 60s”. THE WORLD IS NUTS!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Keeps Bringing It of the Day

I am still not sure sure what “it” Denise is bringing and I do think it is HILARIOUS that she is bringing it, but not in a very positive, supportive way, but more in the asshole troll who likes convincing people to do things that make them uncomfortable, or makes them look like idiots, so that I can point and laugh at them when they pull it off, because it’s fucking gross!

It’s like convincing a homeless chick with no teeth who is half dead to join the amateur night at the strip club for all of pervert row to smell her gross asshole, you know in exchange for 5 dollars of crack!

It has got to be a prank, or a humiliation tactic, because she could have been left in the past, remembered as being hot jerked off to in the movies, but she is insisting on giving us the open casket version we’ll never forget, that overrides all that she was!

Tragic, but I can’t stop looking, and assuming that she’s got NO subscribers, her old lady version of sexting, is all the more INSANE!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richard’s Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

I am waiting for the day that Denise Richards and her team figure out how to come after INDEPENDENT NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THIS ONE, all aggressively, with demands of RUINING US, if we don’t remove some of her sleazy gutter ass old lady geriatric nudes she sells to what I assume are the weirdest group of people out there.

Seriously, we need to produce a documentary on the subscribers of Denise Richards’ OnlyFans, what is wrong with those people, because clearly SOMETHING needs to be wrong with those people. Just watch Wild Things man, we don’t need to make things THIS real.

I guess smutty content has just gone a fucked up direction, where people are so empty, living on their computer screens, than any semblance of “real” gets them excited and a whore’s blown out asshole at 50 something is the REAL they need.

I don’t even think Denise Richards was that big of a deal when she was a big deal, if you know what I mean, she wasn’t on Carmen Electra or Pam Andersons level, she just sort of existed, which brigs m back to WHO THE FUCK ARE THE SUBSCRIBERS she is appealing to.

Not to mention, she’s a rich bitch, married to Sheen at his peak of earning, used to the good life, have things gone that shit to her that she has to publicly humiliate herself like this, or is this some kind of ritual the elites put there beta kittens through as part of some shit WE don’t understand because we’re not Masons.

This EMPOWERED, no shame shit is a disaster because there is nothing powerful or impressive in this, but there is a lot to be ASHAMED of, like the fact that she uploaded this to the internet!

The only HOT thing in all this is that you know her daughter snapped the shot and even that’s not hot, it’s disturbing. These are rich people, go do rich things like learn tennis or sailing, instead of doing amateur porn like a bright eyed lazy girl with a dream who realized dudes pull out credit cards for this shit.


Posted in:Denise Richards