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Archive for the Jennifer Lawrence Category




Jennifer Lawrence is Ready to Drop Porn of the Day

I don’t remember much from my life, it’s either dementia, alcoholism or a coping mechanism from the trauma….

But I do remember the time I went into a magazine store, because there was a time when magazines were one of my favorite things and there were just so many of them available to us before the internet killed the written word….

While at that magazine store, I scoped out some of the more fringe porn mags, because at the time you got your porn in print…..and there were a lot of obscure magazines out there that the more inspired and motivated magazine vendors would carry and this was one of those stores, where clearly he made his living off the porn titles and clearly he had every porn title, allowing him to be a porn shop without being a porn shop because he also carried Vanity Fair, World Weekly News and Good fucking Housekeeping.

Anyway, it was the first time I saw ready to drop porn and it was terrifying.

Sure, I knew strippers who gave me cheap lap dances, leaving a trail of pre-afterbirth on my leg, that I pretended weren’t pregnant and just ignored the pregnancy aspect of the situation writing it off as fat. Girl had to pay the rent while her stoner boyfriend played videogames, they had a kid on the way man….

To see fully pregnant girls taking dicks in photos for what you know wasn’t much money….was another level of crackhead shit to me..

So as someone who feared pregnancy because of the whole growing a human inside you feeling alien to me, despite loving internal cum shots when I got the chance, rolling the dice like I did with AIDS during AZT crisis because condoms are for pussies….because when you have no money, fear of unwanted babies with whores is basically unwarranted because you know they’ll pin the kid on some richer fuck instead of you.

Sure, pregnant chicks advertising they liked being cummed in, it’s nature’s way and the reason all girls liked being cummed in, is always fun….especially when it’s your sister at Thanksgiving who you decide to remind the family that in order to be as pregnant as she is, she had to get cummed in….and while you’re at it remind everyone that you mom got cummed in like some whore as well to create you….

But yeah, Jennifer Lawrence, Harvey Weinstein’s girl is more than a mutant dick sucker for a career, she’s also the kind of girl who takes loads in her to completion and she’s ready to drop…..

I’ve always found her boring, overrated, not very hot until I saw her tits in those leaked nudes, but even then, she was a lot of hype…

Seeing her in a face diaper like some kind of woke libtard covid freak makes her even more vile….but ready to drop porn comes in all forms and you only have a small window to capture that for the fetishists so here it is, not gaping anal insertion, or dicks trying to rub the baby’s pre-born head….but it’s something….


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Ready To Drop of the Day

Kamala endorsing industry puppet Jennfer Lawrence is one of the biggest schemes in Hollywood was when they dropped weird Jennifer Lawrence on us and told us she was some sort of prodigy.

They decided that she was the person that they needed to use in all of their movies as hard as they could and I’m not sure why.

We can assume she was one of Harvey’s girls, or maybe one of the pervert JIM BERKUS at UTA’s girls, who figured they could make as much money as possible off the girl, so put her in everything.

So her feminist agenda is manufactured, seeing as she was first to cocktease the old guys for profit.

She played the same person in everything she did, different costume and/or fake Russian accent and the world collectively embraced her.

At awards shows she was pretty fucking silly, which became viral moments, further pushing her QUIRKY bullshit persona that the public continued to embrace…

It wasn’t until I saw her leaked nudes some HERO went to Jail for, that I thought that Jennifer Lawrence deserved any of the credit she got.

She had great tits before the first kid, full and nice and she took slutty nudes in a time before ONLYFANS….

I felt she probably made her password 123456 on her iCLOUD in hopes of it being leaked byt the poor bastard who got charged for H4X0Ring…

Point being, she did a nude scene in a movie recently enough and the tits are sad and deflated, which happens when you get the life sucked out of you when your handler HARVEY gets sent to the CLINK.

Well, she’s rich, she’s ready to drop, her pregnancy glow’s not giving me any breed the already bred fetish, but the tits are full of milk, not fully restored to their glory, but as good as they’ll get….so stare at them.


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Has Cleavage of the Day

I wonder if Jennifer Lawrence still writes Harvey Weinstein love letters, or is she just fully transparent about their transactional relationship that allowed her to be positioned as some child prodigy in acting, even though she played her awkward real life self in all the roles she was hired for, like some sort of Kate Hudson, or really any actor because acting doesn’t require talent, anyone can do it.

Anyway, she’s still some kind of superstar, so cocky that she’s barely working but breeding and sitting on her pile of money instead.

She’s also still got her tits, which is really what made me appreciate back in those leaked nudes that got that dude arrested, who she probably hired to take the fall, because it was a marketing thing and these manipulative sociopath women can convince dudes of anything, because her nudes made her far more interesting.

She’s been nude in that recent movie about her fucking a high school kid, where she was also not offensive as a hot titty aging actor…but the lie that she’s something special, when really she’s a giant whatever who has the right friends and colleagues that believe the lie that she’s important, but I guess that’s all we need…..a foundation of bullshit to carry us through life before it falls in on itself.

Point is, tits. Important tits.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Mom Tits of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence, who is an overrated Harvey Weinstein creation, that I never quite understood the hype around when she was doing 2-3 movies a year, getting nominated for Oscars on the regular, while being some awkward and average at best looking girl, who basically played the same character in all her movies, like a Margot Robbie…

Then I met a guy in a bar who claimed to be an ex Talent agent for her agency, but who randomly ended up in Canada for some festival and was talking to me, and he just said that Hollywood needs these high profile people they pretend are good so that the general public buy into it and they can command higher pay for them, which increases the movie budgets, which gets the producers a higher dollar value on their 10 percent up front fee….it’s just a racket…the talent agent may have been lying to me, or a figment of my imagination, I was drunk.

When the J.Law nude leaks happened, which landed some poor bastard in jail, all for the benefit of the pervert fan boys of the internet, not for any financial crimes that made him rich and that left him with a million dollar off shore account to come back to when he is let out of the clink…..but yeah, when those happened, I did think her tits were great, a hidden talent, and probably what HARVEY literally SAW in her, when his mutated dick was cumming inside or ontop of her…

Anyway, she’s in a NEW MOVIE, where she fucks a virgin.

SHE BROUGHT OUT THE TITS, now sloppier mom tits and she’s even WALKING with them, a general faux-pas for sloppy mom tits, and the J.Law bros will be excited. SO CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM – CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM – CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM

I don’t bother posting that kind of movie nudity, only because lawsuits and such, but I’ll post the magazine article that could also lead to lawsuits and such and just LINK YOU OUT TO THE FULL FRONTAL CLIP

You see, photographers, even those paid by the magazines are litigious CUNTs too…so why go for the TITS when I can go for the sloppy cleavage in photoshoot….and just LINK TO THE TITS



Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Panties of the Day

I avoided posting these magazine photoshoot pics of Jennifer Lawrence because google has this thing called “Google Jennifer Lawrence Leaked Nudes” where you see all her leaked nudes that a motherfucker actually went to jail for, since you can’t CENSOR the internet, or erase the internet, no matter how hard you try….I mean until they turn off the internet and give you access to three websites on the internet…that you know they’ve got lined up…but as the internet works now, you can delete and censor motherfuckers, but they find new corners to unite and congregate that don’t make some aspergers fuck another billion.

POINT being….Jennifer Lawrence was never that appealing to me, what do you think I am, Harvey Weinstein….I thought she was a lot of hype, thanks to Harvey Weinstein….I even met her agent once and that creep had a fucking hard on for her too…probably because of the paydays she gets, I saw recently she came out of the lazy semi-retired woodwork to get paid 25 million to be in a Leo DiCaprio movie…where she was pushed into a corner of “aren’t you mad Leo made 30 million”…to wwhich she said “I’m happy with my deal”….because DUMB FUCK MEDIA don’t realize that there’s a pay scale depending on a lot of factors and that we don’t live in communism, so you can value a motherfucker’s work by whatever MEASURE you want…not to mention…25 million dollars to be in a Netflix movie by Will Farrell’s partner, who I actually like since watching Succession, but I’ll tell you I fucking hated that Funny Or Die shit its entire existence…which I am sure they give a fuck about since they made 100s of millions of dollars off while I’m over here making 5 dollars a fucking day…for a site that costs 20 dollars a day to HOST….BUSINESS TYCOOON….

Anyway, lots of hype thanks to Harv and her agent, lots of money thanks to that hype, all while being mediocre no matter how many Oscar nods she gets….but then I saw the nudes…and she looked great nude…so we don’t need this updated half naked shit…we’ve got what we need in the archives…plus, I think she’s pregnant now, not with Harv’s baby…but you never know CONJUGAL VISITS still happen…


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence See Thru for Attention of the Day

Harvey’s Girl Jennifer Lawrence who thanks to strategic placement was the girl all the big budget movies would fight for, because every big budget movie needs a high paid star, you know, to keep budgets up.

They pretend that the celebrity of the star will get seats filled in the theaters and make everyone get a solid return on their investment, but we all know that’s bullshit tactics to keep budgets high, since producers, like Harvey, would get 10 percent of the movie off the top….meaning if they raise 100 million for a movie, they take their 10 million before filming even starts and puts the 90 into the movie…so to get that big 100 million number you need stars…hence Hollywood choosing their stars and investing in making them stars…

But through it all, the overrated, nominated for Oscars despite being the same in every movie, average at best, even sloppy looking Jennifer Lawrence didn’t full us…

But then her leaked nudes a dude went to jail for that sparked the whole FAPPENING thing happened and her nakedness was amazing.

Her tits hot, the fact she was a pervert, like everyone else in the world exciting, and she still didn’t deserve the hype she got, the work she got, the celebrity she has and the paycheck she gets thanks to her agents and producers needing those high ticket players….but at least she looked good naked…

So my opinion of her shifted when they leaked her amazing leaked nudes…..because amazing nudes go a long way for a pervert fuck….and I guess it was her only redeemimg quality….

Despite having already been seen nude, she didn’t do many nude scenes, but the option of being paid a premium to get nude went out the window…it’s the build your rep before doing an anal scene logic….don’t do the anal scene before you are famous…

But those nudes allowed us to appreciate why rich perverts would want her servicing them….making an overrated, over paid, not very good or compelling star….

Luckily for you, she’s brought her tits out braless in a sheer top as a good reminder she exists, since in the last year or two we forgot…

TITS get hits on all levels…and tits make hits too…and this is one of those tits getting hits with a hit that tits made…even before we all knew she had those tits…


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Pregnant or Fat of the Day


I am going to assume pregnant because that recently married harlot Jennifer Lawrence, who I call a Harlot because she must have sucked some dicks as hard as the best of them for the industry to decide that she was worthy of getting 2-3 high profile movies a year and at least as many Oscar nominations, all while being TOTALLY unlikeable, overrated, the same in every movie….but the media man, they manipulate our fucking minds into believing things that Weinstein rubbed his gangrenous herpes dick on….or so I’ve been told in my years of wondering how this bitch got where she got…and it was before the leaked nudes that got some dude arrested, a small sacrifice to show you that she’s actually not all that bad when she’s naked, it is just the rest of the time that she sucks….

I guess what it comes down to is that it’s nice to see how powerful Weinstein is…he created this bullshit lie of a “star”.

Anyway, smart strategy to divert pregnancy rumors or stir them up to get some attention like carrying a bottle of wine to complete the 40 year old upper middle class suburban mom of 4 orgazing a Labor Day pool party sterotype she’s living out despite being a super star celebrity…


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Naked Bound and Wet of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Nude Wet Bound

This is apparently Jennifer Lawrence in some BTK killer fantasy from that horrible (so I’ve heard) movie Red Sparrow that came out 100 fucking years ago…that I have seen and that I don’t remember ever seeing but I am sure I’ve seen….but for some reason, a reason called Jennifer Lawrence is naked with her great fucking tits, this GIF is going viral today…

It’s too bad that you can’t quite make out her tits,but that are there as the tits are her only redeeming quality. Everything else about her is some bullshit contrived over-hyped career thanks to solid management. They decided she was this untouchable talent. A natural..but she is the same in every movie she’s done. Constantly nominated for awards but she’s the same in all she’s done…it’s marketing…but I like this kind of marketing better.


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Lawrence Overrated Overpaid Hard Nipple of the Day

I know that Jennifer Lawrence has this impression or this reputation of being this very famous and very important starlet, who is very relevant, very well paid, nominated for Oscars, really on the top tier for whatever reason….because she’s pretty fucking average to me…

But the most relevant thing that she’s ever done was have her tits out in leaked nudes for whoever she was fucking, allowing us to see that despite being an overrated scam, she had great tits and tits go a long way….so that’s probably why she’s out here braless and hard nippled cuz of all that feedback she’s got from being that leaked nude trashy pervert we were all hyped to be a part of thanks to the martyr who got arrested for the hack…

Either way, these are still pretty boring.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence has no Bra On of the Day

The most interesting thing about Jennifer Lawrence is her tits.

She is not a compelling actress or artist who lives this inspiring life.

She is just publicly awkward, even annoying in her trying to be quirky…and her success as an actor came for whatever fucking reason, but I can assure you it wasn’t for being compelling…

The agents and managers and producers play the whole natural talent angle, or the “it factor” or whatever, but that’s all just marketing and sales hype.

The single most important thing, and really the only thing that has ever happened to this bitch, is the leaked nudes a guy went to jail for.

We learned that she’s a masturbating on camera for her boyfriend kind of sex worker…like all women who look down on other sluts…especially those their boyfriends jack off to…..but most importantly she had great, wonderful, round, hot tits…..

Sure it was years ago, but I will assume she’s still got tits, as she walks around with her tits out being too rich and too famous with some dude who’s gonna K-Fed her and deserves what he gets because hanging out with this idiot must be fucking brutal on your soul….but you can always distract yourself with the tits I guess…


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence