One of the lamest bro things when referencing a girl’s tits is saying that she’s got talent….SHOWING her talent….LOOK HOW TALENTED SHE IS….ok boomer, shut the fuck up…
The point is that Kara Del Toro is a pretty insignificant “instagram model” despite her million or more followers, the money she’s made as a first generation IG model and trips she’s probably been able to go on because of her trying fucking hard to tell the world she’s hot….
This girl wanted you to know she’s hot so hard that she made a career or hustle out of it. This randomly going viral cuz your hot shit is a fucking lie, all these IG models try so fucking hard for EVERY damn one of those LIKES because they’ve got something to prove, or need to be reassured that we’re still staring at their tits….
The whole concept is some needy ass shit…
I think hot girls are better when they don’t do daily photoshoots for the perverts of the internet to like and follow them enough to make them feel worth, or so that they can charge brands to support their lives and by brands I mean sugar daddies for the majority of them….none end up with broke ass jokes….
I guess the social media following is the RATING system of our generation because you can’t call the hot bartender a dime or a 10 because that’s sexist, so you’re forced to base her hotness on her instagram following….
When it’s high enough, they only mingle at a certain tier of society or bank balances, which is why people like Olivia Culpo fuck the NFL TEAM…
Status from being a lame fuck who produces photoshoots around themselves for people to jerk off to….while pretending it’s to give fashion and life inspo…fuck yourself….we are onto you….and I guess some of them do fuck themselves for their subscribers…
Kara Del Toro doesn’t but she’s got big tits and you should like her hustle, or tits, or talents…because she WANTS you to and thank god for that….those are huge.
Posted in:Kara Del Toro