Lais Ribeiro is a model and these pictures are probably old, I’ve probably posted them on the site, because I generally don’t miss nude photos, even of low level models, as that’s pretty much what I do all day…if you consider working an hour a day at this all day..it just feels like it is…
That said, I can’t keep track of the nude pics being produced anymore because everyone is nude…there was a time not so long ago when people weren’t nude and compamies like Playboy tricked them into getting nude by showing them a briefcase of money…now they are just on it on their own to get noticed in what may be the best marketing campaign ever…because I like nude…but that is almost making nude pics boring….
We’ve seen it all before..we are shoved nudes pics down our throats always…and it’s only a matter of time before fashion turns into official porn..and official porn goes even darker…all in hopes of giving boners…to people who have seen it all and find it hard to get boners to basic things like tits…
Thanks to these feminists and all the tit pics, tits have become the new ankles of the 1800s…and I’m ready for that…because my boner problems may actually be health related not seen too many tits related…
If these are old consider them a flashback friday…
Posted in:Lais Ribeiro