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Archive for the noah cyrus Category




Noah Cyrus Still Gross of the Day

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In case you were wondering – Noah Cyrus is the Ashlee Simpson of the Cyrus family…

I am sure she’s not the first girl who wants the success her sister had. She wants the praise and adoration. She wants to be celebrated and a star. She feels as though she’s entitled to it or capable of it because her sister has it because she’s been coddled as fuck by everyone as she grew up, including the famous sister to try to make her feel better about herself, you know to downplay the sister’s fame like it aint a thing…

All while having nothing the sister had, the talent or the compelling personality, or hustle…but she does have her sister’s promotional tools, and contacts, and people try to help her…when they should just be honest with her and let her know to work in other areas and that she should use the sister to open doors for things she’s actually good at, but ego doesn’t let that happen…can’t just ride the wave, needs to be the TOP of the wave but will always been Miley’s sister…

Point is…I like when angst and jealously comes in the form of rebellion and sex tapes…not whatever this is….

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Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Noah Cyrus Tits of the Day

Noah Cyrus Tits in a White Bra

Noah Cyrus is on the move….trying to get noticed….people starting to care….or stare…but mainly because she’s not nearly as hot as her sister Miley Cyrus, even when she’s using the same tactics as Miley Cyrus to get noticed, which I guess are the same tactics all these girls are doing….but are pretending they aren’t doing, like the girl with the fully exposed ass in the park the other day…fully exposing her ass but getting mad people were looking at her fully exposed ass…but this isn’t her ass pics…just tits in a bra looking like she’s Ariel Winter…which I guess is a look when you’re a broken rich kid trying to get noticed….to find a one hit wonder of her own…

Noah Cyrus White Bra and Panties

Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Noah Cyrus Bikini of the Day

Noah Cyrus Cameltoe in a White Thong Bikini

Noah Cyrus is Miley Cyrus’ brother / cousin / granny / we know about them backwoods hicks…

You can take the hick out of the Ozarks of Kentucky….but you can’t take their dicks out of their sisters…who are also the town’s stripper…unless the Miley / Noah Cyrus mom was actually just some cocktail waitress who groupied on Achy Breaky by getting her pussy filled with his CUM early on creating Miley….before the family went Beverly Hillbillies…

So we don’t know if this one is INBRED, we just know she’s doing slutty content like her older sister…because she is far removed from their backwoods roots…and is LA hipster about it…and she’d have to be because she’s so fucking ugly looking…which I guess could be from being inbred…we’d have to scope her out to see if she has all her toenails…

Noah Cyrus Cameltoe in a White Thong Bikini

Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Noah Cyrus is Gross of the Day

Noah Cyrus Big Tits Underboob in a Red BRa

Noah Cyrus is Miley Cyrus’ 18 year old sister, who is not nearly as good looking as Miley Cyrus, but like all the younger sisters of the famous sisters, she’s out there trying, thinking that because her sister did it, she can do it, and that her entire existence of living in her sister’s shadow will finally be lifted as the spotlight shines on her, only to realize that no matter what she does, or how far she goes, even with all the resources and opportunities she has…she will never be Miley…never be a Meme or a symbol of the pop culture of the time..

But she can show off her tits on what looks like an emotional eating frame…because the best way to deal with sadness that your sister is a huge deal and you’ll never be a huge deal…is through food.

I will say…at least she’s trying…

I will also say…they are still 18 year old tits…even if they aren’t hot 18 year old tits..

So let’s not encourage this one to off herself due to inadequacies…

Let’s encourage her to make sex tapes…to really piss off the family and show the world how wronged she was.

Noah Cyrus Tits and Cameltoe in White Bikini

Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW