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Some BikinI Girl Fails and Other Videos of the Day

Pigeons VS Man with Food

No Bra Wet Shirt and Legging by Youtube’s No Bra Lady

Why Do Students Love Kamala Harris

Lumberjack Master of the Universe

Karen VS an “Anti-ICE” Idiot

Parking Break Fail

Joker Laugh Flip Book

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Some Chick’s Bikini Haul…You Know…Important Things and Other Videos of the Day

Motorbike Winner of the Day

Dogs are Weird

Police Chase!

13 Year Old Taped to his Chair on a Plane

Swat Team Fail…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Cross Dressing Influencer Hired by White House to Launch Jen Psaki’s Acting Career and Push Vaccines on Kids of the Day

So the US government is hiring influencers to push vaccines on kids, who based on all the covid data, aren’t at risk of getting covid, but mask these motherfuckers up in the classroom and ruin their fucking lives…I see kids playing in masks in the park and it’s fucking demented on all levels…

But with your TAX dollars, they’re producing this shit, and that cunt Jen Psaki, who could be a Mark Zuckerberg Robot with a long wig, I’ve seen the side by side, but even if she’s human, she’s the fucking worst kind of evil, but for whatever reason I love seeing her in action, because she’s just so good at it….the kind of girl or woman, she’s a mom in her 40s, you’d have to hate-jerk-off to in every press briefing she does….I fucking love her, maybe not as much as Obama…but close….sure I think she’s horrible, but she’s just so fucking evil with her PR spin, masterful as fuck and I appreciate that talent even if it’s ruining society as we know it…

The point is that Fauci is supposed to be a serious player in the world, Psaki a government official, reducing themselves to being social media influencer clickbait should tell you ALL you need to know about society as a whole, what the retard generation connects to, but also that all these people think they are self important clowns that deserve followers too….everyone trying to be famous at the expense of the ADULTS out here with brains….

Luckily, some other weird influencer spoofs it substantially better…because it speaks to a little more truth that some vapid narcissistic approach to recruiting kids in the lamest fucking way, reminding us that influencers are half retard hacks who luckily went viral and who are overpaid for their creative input, they just don’t realize it….

So again, if you get your medical advice from the government, from influencers, from celebrities, and you don’t do your own research and see that this is all bullshit, we can’t help you….

Not that you care, you’re too busy jacking off to Psaki’s embarrassing acting…

The best thing in all this is that the VACCINE has nothing to do with SUPPORTING TRUMP….people need to realize this is health not politics, even though it’s really just politics….but these people actively defending vaccines to prove how woke they are is the wrong approach, obviously….it’s nothing to do with being woke….you socialist fucks.

In conclusion, I thought marketing to kids was illegal, or at least in need of regulation, but I guess the G-Man can do anything they want….even push EXPERIMENTAL treatments on children that could HARM them because they are not FDA approved and human trials are done…this is TOTALLY a dice roll by all people and the fact they are pushing it should scare you whether you are VAXXED or not…something’s up….be careful out there. It’s fucking silly.

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Chet Hanks Makes Sense of the Day

I know I typically focus on the celebrity kids who have vaginas, but in this era, there’s no guarantee that Chet Hanks doesn’t have a vagina, I mean girls are out there elongating their clits EVERY fucking day…..

But this video is actually pretty important, at least in terms of the fall of society that has convinced people to become a part of, despite it being an experimental treatment for a virus that hasn’t been isolated, that’s being tested by FDA recalled tests, that don’t actually detect the virus, or distinguish it from the flu, so that 38 million FLU cases in 2019, turned into 1800 flu cases in 2020, because the other cases were called COVID in the rebrand….so now idiots everywhere are running to get shots, that they know nothing about, and they are even encouraging vaccine passports, like it’s not fascist and terrifying totalitarian….

So Chet is not pushing the storyline…which is important because he is in the elite, people have included Tom Hanks in the whole Satanist agenda, he was even at their big event this past weekend….they even thought his COVID was staged to push the agenda…

YET HIS OWN SON….is calling it a FLU and saying you’re all nuts…and people on social media are trying to pretend that they know more than him, that this is the reason to get the shot, but ultimately…IF IT Ain’t broke….don’t fix it…

TAKE your vitamin D you unhealthy propaganda pushing fucks….

Point being, the vaccine is a choice, if you really believe in it and really believe it is doing your part, despite evidence saying it doesn’t work…fine…but to try to mandate it on all people, to try to have tracking apps to get a fucking coffee like they dystopia that is france, you’re a fucking nutcase you doesn’t know how to fucking read, or who has never seen ANY scifi movies….

I don’t care if you’re vaccinated, but I care that people are trying to bully, shame, pressure and force vaccinations, and some of those people are the last people you should ever fucking trust…

I do care that people are encouraging population control in the worst fucking way ever….since they already track us enough…

So good on CHET for speaking out….MORE people should…instead these unvaccinated celebs are LYING to you that they are vaccinated….I can assure you that most of the rich and famous aren’t, but as we know they’re sophisticated and more important than us, so let’s all hop on the cattle card…YOU MENTAL CASES…

Posted in:Videos




Social Media VS Reality and Other Videos of the Day

This should scare you and not be a world you ever want to live in…

Two Bikers Collide

Drunk Driver Slams into Cop Car

Girl with the WORST fucking Toe

The Top 62 Viral Videos of the Week

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Woman Puts Husbands Face on her Swimsuit and Other Videos of the Day

Tranny vs Store Owner

Lady on a Zero Gravity Ride

Macaw starts her day with a quick flight around the block.

Old Man Skate Boarding

Girl on Kayak

Classic – Girl VS Spilled Booze

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




50 Cent Found This Amazing Pool Party of the Day

Remember when Gilbert Grape’s mom was shocking to most people, people couldn’t believe a bitch was that fat, and now you can’t leave the house without seeing one….go to WALMART you’ll know…they LIVE amongst us….

So 50 cent posted this on social, it’s amazing and his caption was better, something like “Wtf is this pool party, I think they ate all the men”….

My theory is that they ate as much food as they could for the last 20 years of their life, so all it took was some fat girl fetishist to offer them free food…..so long as they do a little bikini congo line from obesity hell….

All the fried food, PIZZA, Burgers and cakes they can….an offer they couldn’t refuse…

Either way, it’s a solid energy for the weekend, take it in…


Posted in:Pool Party|Videos




Weight Lifting Spotter and Other Videos of the Day

Bitch and her Hula Hoop

Weird Queer Hits Himself in Balls I Doubt he Has

Driving a Tesla Doesn’t Make You a Man….In Fact it Does the Opposite

Dumb Bitch Slips

Dumb Bitch on a Rope Swing

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Dirty Prank and Other Videos of the Day

Dancing Girl Fail

Legendary Save

Donkey Loves Titty

The Reason Fat People Don’t Workout

Bucking Horse Likes Lil Jon’s Song

Wife Harrasses Husband with her Toes

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Shitty Viral Song of the Day

I saw people posting this garbage….because they find it hilarious for whatever reason….

The concept of the viral song is make a song by someone who can’t sing, a concept that’s not all that new, I’ve told girls trying to get famous many times to do cover songs singing badly, and obviously someone did it…only it’s not a cover song…it’s an original song…and the bad singing isn’t clever bad singing or good bad singing…it’s not even funny bad singing…just painful bad singing…which I guess is the point…

Comedy has lost it’s fucking edge, that’s all I know….and people are so simplistic that shit like this can go viral…sad state of the world I guess…

What you’ll like about the video is the girl is being slutty in Church, which is probably what you shouldn’t like about the video, because the generation this is for, need more spirituality, they are empty perverted narcissists…and the idea of twerking in church like she was Madonna back when she sold her soul to the devil…is not something that will offend anyone…they already jerk off to priest / nun porn every few months…because the world is doomed….and this is evidence of that.

I guess she’s a cheerleader who has been trying to get social media famous….and what I’ll say I like about it is that she’s only got 2k followers on Youtube and 1700 on Instagram so she pulled off a bit of a win that girls with followers aren’t creative enough to do….

So whether I hate it or not, which is probably the point…it happened…and you weren’t the one who did it.

Not to mention it mocks low quality shit going viral while proving that talentless hacks can get views…it’s easy to game the system, I just haven’t done it yet…and probably never will.

Here’s her INSTAGRAM

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