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This is a weird video of Zoe Dechesne.
I don’t know who the fuck Zoe Dechesne, apparently she’s some Sports Illustrated model, but I don’t know if that’s true or not, because I am too lazy to look, and the truth is, I don’t really consider Sports Illustrated models to be actual models, they are just busty girls who have tricked you into thinking they are better that average girls in bikinis, because they have the right friends and/or agents who throw them into SI for free, thinking it will do amazing things for them, when in reality there is only a Kate Upton success story from their roster every decade….and if you look at Kate Upton…you know that not only a lot of food went into her, but also a lot of Marketing..
Anyway, this Zoe is not Kate Upton, and Sports Illustrated wasn’t her meal ticket, but she was in the magazine in 2010, and what better way to draw attention to yourself now, than to be on a a yacht with her friends topless, which in France, where I assume she is from, with a name like that…is considered wearing a shirt…
I am all for girls getting topless when together, they don’t need to be a one time Sports Illustrated model to make it count…in fact I want every girl topless all the time…it will make my life more interesting to go through…
Posted in:Videos