THe same bitch that said she was taking a year long SOCIAL MEDIA break is back in some Atlanta stripped gear….because I guess this is her RAVER COACHELLA look…because it is COACHELLA TIME…and like clockwork, it happens every fucking year, and every fucking year a new group of idiots go to the festival to launch their festival career, now with more 40 year olds who still go after so many years, and think it’s some rite of passage or badge of honor that they’ve gone so many times….and it’s always the same outfits, the same nonsense, the same social media posts, the same outfits, the same events….over and over again…only now people like Bella Thorne get paid 65k to post it on their feed, where as 10 years ago…they just got paid to attend the events….so much has changed…yet nothing at all has changed..
What I find interesting is how boring and repetitive it is. Wouldn’t you want something new and different, rather than the familiar friendly festival you’ve experienced year after year…it’s like “been there done that” doesn’t apply to humans, especially not now in this social media era where you need to attend to be relevant…or with it…or for brands to want to work with you…
Weird times…definitely…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW