When you’re feeling down and out, detached, maybe like you’re falling off because people don’t really give you the attenton you were getting when you were on full promotional a few years ago, when making the transition from Disney Star to VAGINA on the internet.
All you need to do is grab your damn titties in your party dress when you’re at an event, to remind people how wild and crazy you are…
To remind them about how down to earth you are, and the whole attending events all dressed up doesn’t make her a lame… She can still be wild…like a teenage GOTH forced to go to a family function..you know feeling all dumb in her dress cuz it goes against all she is…so she does something crazy like kill’s the neighbors cat, or has sex in the bathroom to feel her normal wild self, which in and of itself, is nonsense.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW