Alyssa Milano who is the fucking worst, has found her place on the internet as a 50 something year old activist, who is trying to solidify her position in the world by shitting out her politics all over twitter, fighting the good fight for women’s rights or something, most recently trying to start a sex strike for the #metoo or Believe All Women – anti-trump campaign….
I’ve luckily been blocked by her for a long time now, she got mad I used to make fun of how hair her arms were, before she got the hair on her arms lasered off cuz I was right….so I don’t have to see none of her nonsense….
It’s like you let a girl act on a show in the 90s and all of a sudden 20 years later we are supposed to care and see them as an expert…she’s an uneducated, grew up rich and coddled on TV, I don’t think very relatable to anyone….
But when her tits come out, they are worth looking at, cuz old lady tits, in this era of old ladies wearing bikinis are still tits…maybe not as hot or young or fresh smelling as the tit we want…but…tits.

Posted in:Alyssa Milano|SFW