Caroline Vreeland must have a rough time going through life always sucking the fuck in. Maybe it leads to strong abs from always being engaged, it’s just hard to see them under what looks like a gunt being sucked the fuck in….this must lead to hemorrhoids or a high tension anal sphincter that I assume is totally offset by all the large objects she puts in her ass as she tries to be relevant…and trust me bitch tries..even this see through bikini top – to show all her tits – is trying….they called the paparazzi and needed some viral story for DailyMail to pick up to add to her already bullshit story of trying to be famous as a singer..
She has been doing this for 6 years or more. She was early to IG and had massive tits but still didn’t hit. Which is so obscure…she must really be that uninteresting….
She uses all the tactics to get there, she goes to events, she uses a “famous” last name, she gets her tits out on the beach, she does slutty content, but despite the awesome and huge tits, which should be enough for her to get famous, she’s still just known for being the assistant of an influener who she mooches off daily….the plus 1 level…who wants so badly to be the one with the plus ones…
It must suck to be a girl with such big tits,an not actually make it….like you’re that bad even your tits can’t talk people into caring. FUNNY.

Posted in:Caroline Vreeland|SFW