Christina Aguilera is old as shit, so old that she needs to tape up her tits before her shows. Young girls would never be caught dead taping their tits unless they identified as trans or as “THEY” and felt the need to bind their chests so that they can pull off being “GENDERLESS” better….
I assume that as Christina Aguilera tries to cash in on her bullshit career into her 40s, because she is in her 40s or soon to be in her 40s, she’s forced to squeeze her now fat body into racy outfits…and like most grannies those things are a fucking hazard or liability and can cause real fucking injury when you let them out there on their own and put confidence in them that they won’t slip out of their top and hit a motherfucker in the face…
Then again, maybe she tapes the nips for fear of a nip slip cuz her nips are so hacked up from all the implants she’s had.
Who fucking knows, it’s just weird especially when you think about her early on, being this hot tiny pop slut…now clunky like an old cow being taken to pasture because it doesn’t produce milk anymore.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW