January Jones wants you to look down her shirt at her 42 year old cleavage, because it’s been a tactic she has used her entire life to get people to give her want she wants in life….which I assume is a career as an actress…or maybe it’s a child out of wedlock that the father’s identity is kept secret for whatever reason, but one I like to call BITCH GOT PAID OFF…
I figure there’s a lot hotter than a 42 year old mom who was in a few TV shows showing the smallest amount of mom cleavage…I am sure the Tampon aisle at the drug store has more near menopause tit than this even during the COVID crisis..but that’s just based on my experience of spending hours in the tampon aisle to congratulate women for being women by asking if I can have a vile of their period blood for my feminist period art inspired masturbation…

Posted in:January Jones