Phoebe Price would be far better if she wasn’t trying to be famous, you know if she didn’t crave the fame, and instead was just mocking the fame with every outrageous, often poorly put together photoshoot she’s done, because that is where the comedy is in what she does…..
If I knew what Ironic meant, I’d say that if she did celebrity ironically, where each tabloid was a win in the TROLL mocking celebrity culture, instead of each tabloid being a stamp of approval in her delusional mind that she is in fact amongst the celebs, not some satirist who is doing commentary on celebrity….
But she’s still fucking aswesome and I am a fan, whether she ever releases that sex tape I’ve been asking to release for her for years or not…because whatever the motivation is for her…the results are the same…celebrity is a joke….and we need Phoebe’s to remind us of that….she gets the same paparazzi to take pics of her as the other celebs all because she wears silly outfits…because celebrities are useless but Phoebe is the voice we all need!
Posted in:Phoebe Price