Sammi Hanratty was on Shameless for less than a season, I wouldn’t know because I only watched the first season of Shameless and started hating it because it was trying too hard to be edgy and was clearly written by nerds who moved to Hollywood to work in the entertainment industry and had zero level of edgy in them…you know the kind of pussy faking being a degenerate for the sake of writing…appropriating it if you will and basically mocking the life of a degenerate in a Hollywood way that will never get exposed because rich people playing ghetto ass poor people is accepted, as long as the rich people playing poor people are the right race, otherwise that’d be offensive…but when a motherfucker like William H Macy’s out here playing a low life drunken addict and terrible father, when in real life is buying his kid’s education and sending his wife to Jail because he’s too much of a pussy for it, it kind of makes watching the whole thing painful….then throw in Emmy Rossum, a dog shit actress who isn’t even hot, but who is also an entitled rich kid, related to VERA WANG of all people, doing her best attempt at poverty, basically mocking poverty, I get annoyed….not because I don’t grasp acting as a concept even if I think it’s lame…but because the show sucks…hire real crackheads to write it…make it legit.
HOWEVER, in an attempt to endorse or support the show’s move to drop ROSSUM, because she cried for more money despite the show basically having made her, I watched the most recent season….and it sucked but was better than previous seasons with no ROSSUM….
So what I am saying is that I have no idea who this one is because her only acting role ever was that show….and has been trying to milk that gig to increase her celebrity….at least on social media and I have no idea how that’s working out for her, but here she is with her very boring clickbait…

Posted in:Sammi Hanratty