You gotta wonder if Bruce Jenner modeled his pussy on his daughter’s pussy because it’s the closest thing to his genetic pussy, even if it is tainted with the momager Kris Jenner’s genetics, that I guess aren’t all that bad because that pussy has basically printed money, despite how disgusting the creatures, demons really…that crawled out of her vagina are…
Now, this isn’t Bruce, but it’s someone with as much plastic surgery as Bruce, and she’s showing off her battered young billionaire mom pussy for attention…
She has intentionally jacked the shorts into her cunt, for you to see how fat her cunt is, and it’s just what billionaires do man, part of their business…when they are the worst society has to offer, built on all that is wrong with society, I mean this family are domestic terrorists far more damaging than any riot…I mean…fucking monsters pushing all the worst values from faking your own face and body, to trick people into buying garbage you sell, because all you care about money…and will go to any cost for money…and for whatever reason managed to convince people in the process that you’re worth listening to…despite having nothing to say.
Garbage really…but it was built on porn…so there’s that…
The lesson is, do porn, play victim, get reality show, become a pitchman, sell shit people don’t need, all while mangling your look because you aren’t hot enough to warrant all this….
Which is basically all terrible…but since we’re ruled by the devil…we deal…and stare at their cunts..

Posted in:Kylie Jenner