Rebecca Black is in some Illuminati themed shoot, which could explain why she’s all of a sudden starting to pop up on the social media feed…
Whether you believe in the Hollywood Satanists running the world from their world Elite perches or not….it makes for a fun and creepy and mysterious conspiracy to dive into…plus the same 10 corporations control everything you consume, and have their hands in everything you are exposed to, and knowing how shitty humans are, whether within your own family, maybe an old boss, maybe a high school bully, maybe an ex girlfriend who didn’t care when she ripped your heart out of your chest when it was still beating, like some sort of sacrifice…humans aren’t inherently good.
Then there’s the whole big Pharma approach to humans, where they see us as test subjects, our deaths a consequence of business, just all for profit, unhuman shit, that is actually REAL fucking human shit.
That said, whether evil runs the media, it’s all still so silly…inconsistent…hypocritical, etc….
Which brings us to Rebecca Black and her big tits, who was ridiculed when she was a teen with her viral song FRIDAY, that got billions of views on Youtube, just before her fucking time I guess, because they didn’t turn her into a big star, where as now they give anyone with a following a record deal as they scramble to sell records..
So the LAUGHING stock of music, is a song still referenced on Fridays, even though it’s not Friday today….a meme as a teen…never to be taken seriously despite doing better than most signed artists…is now being taken seriously and they are marketing her in lingerie…which is enough of distraction for me from all the bullshit out there…because we are peasants who can’t control any of this…so might as well enjoy half nakedness while we are waiting to die / living our life…depending on how optimistic you are.

Posted in:Rebecca Black