I don’t use social media, I hate that pretentious narcissistic bullshit of people trying to show off or brag, whether it’s hot girls proving how hot they are, or dudes proving how cool they are, I don’t buy it, because to be a girl proving how hot you are, or a dude proving how cool you are, trying to bait as many people to follow you as possible, you’re by definition a liar…a fake…a phoney…and an embarrassing piece of shit…
Unless you’re a celebrity, trying to integrate with your fans in an interesting and modern way, knowing people want to see the “real you”…even if there is no real you…you can create one on social media like a character in a movie…since none of these people have real identities….I don’t think you should be on social media…
It is ruining our society with all these idiots trying to get clout, relying on likes, confusing likes with “cool”….instead of just living life and being cool.
That said, Dove Cameron is a weirdo Disney Kid, who creeps me out of Social Media…who has rebuilt her face for social media…and who is a huge fucking star on social media thanks to being a huge star on Disney before social media….
She’s posting some bikini pics with her girls, you know just sharing what they are up to and not producing smut for you to get excited to, since half nudes get more likes than her other weird cryptic shit….and it’s all about the likes…so keep up the bikini pics…even if they seem weirdly medicated…
I mean, she’s out of focus, hiding her weird face, but check that body…in weird vibe bikini pics I don’t really understand…but her whole instagram is weird.

Posted in:Dove Cameron