They say that DUA LIPA is some sort of industry plant, they happen, you know someone with connections or within the industry figures out they can take this person to the top and that person essentially works for them because if not them, than there’s about a million other girls who would be willing to be given that opportunity, so in loving the attention, the money, the success, they become pretty easy to manipulate…
The fact is that no music industry executive, or manager or agent, would really put up with someone who gives them too much push back, they’d side burner them and focus on people who do exactly what they are told..
There are just too many moving parts in the industry for me to really believe “girl goes viral on youtube organically and now she prints hit after hit”….like Nicki Minaj and probably a lot of other people, she was cast….
I have a hard time believing she’s a true original, creative talent that will revolutionize pop music, I don’t really know her music, but assume it sounds like all the other video game shit being produced out there..
I am sure she doesn’t even dress herself, but maybe she does, and if this outfit was her choice, which is possible, good job, I see nipple…because instagram is a softcore porn site, it’s just a nipple, feminism shit, but luckily we’re still men who can appreciate a good tit…desexualized or allowed on IG or not…so I appreciate her hard work that is probably barely work….and in her defence, we’re really all just a bunch of fucking puppets anyway…at least her puppetry of her penis gets her fucking rich…
Posted in:Dua Lipa