Here’s Noah Cyrus getting her COVID BOOSTER SHOT, or HORMONES because she was born a dude named NOAH CYRUS….or maybe it’s some fat transfers all these mutant transhumans of the social media machine are into…I mean paying to be turned into a fucking muppet avatar instead of realizing that their natural-self is the uniqueness they need, but when you hate yourself, I guess that’s hard to see…especially when raised and coddeled in the shadow of the mammoth that is Hannah Montana…to be the Miley sister, for all the wins, is far worse for a girl than being the loser in a small town with a far cooler and sluttier sister, since it’s on an international level, and Miley won’t end up knocked up by the football captain and obese by 24..
She’s also got her neck all cut up, which should NOT be a fetish to any of you weirdos out there, but that you know will garner the wrong attention by the wrong woman hating, chronic masturbating, INCEL freak into HORROR movies….which I guess she’s trying to appeal to…since everything she does is for masturbation purpose at least that’s what I assume for all girls…that everything they do is to be jerked off to….clicks, follows, likes etc…
Posted in:noah cyrus