Frida Aasen is a fucking hot model, who has a fucking hot model body and is a reminder that model bodies are a real fucking thing that need to be celebrated, because this inclusivity has misguided that simple fact, and made all these instagram and internet “Do It Yourself” types think that just because other girls do it, or get to do it, that they should too…
So we’ve got all these fatties, trolls ,retards, amputees, skin conditioned, men who think they are women, really committing to being models…and the industry embraces them…celebrates them because they are so scared of being cancelled for not going along with the joke…..
It’s almost hilarious….but the good news is that there are still models with model bodies designed to be models the way nature fucking intended for them….
Stop stealing the jobs from the models who deserve the jobs because you’re woke….you fools…because for every fat fake bullshit model out there whining to get work…there is an actual model losing out…
That’d be like some loser high school drop out who decides he’s an electrician because he has youtube, stealing the jobs from the electricians who know what they are doing, but you can’t hire the electrician who knows what he’s doing, that’d be racist….fucking fools.
The interesting thing about Frida Aasen is that she’s from NORWAY…and NORWAY just droppped all COVID protocols and restrictions…
No more social distancing, everything goes back to full capacity, 67% fully vaccinated, but if you get COVID, you self isolate to limit the spread…like it was just a FLU….good to know..

Posted in:Frida Aasen