Jordyn Jones is a child reality star that has a huge amount of following, despite not really having any talent or being all that compelling, she just got thrown into shit as a dumb kid, and went through the motions, so her selling nudes makes sense to me.
You can’t all transition from child reality dance shows to have some mainstream career as a dancer and these girls probably don’t even want that, since dancing professionally is some pretty competitive, high intensity bullshit that is either in the theater, on a cruise ship, as a back-up dancer or stripping on stage….it’s basically the professional trained dance program at the college admissions disclaimer when people sign up for that shit…”You will likely end up a stripper”….
The easier route is to use that dance body, that muscle memory, that ability to twerk like you twerked at your reality show audition for someone who should probably end up in jail….to sell SEXUAL content to perverts who want to jack off to you.
It’s the lucrative and lazy approach, why get paid less to work more and to not really get to be the exhibitionist you want to be…
This is entrepreneurship for ladies now, SO FEMINIST….get suckers, cuck losers to pull out credit cards to see their ass like a bunch of fucking nerdy simps who don’t realize when you don’t pay them, THEY STILL SHOW THEIR ASSES, you disposable income, no respect for money, just pissing it away, fucks.

Posted in:Jordyn Jones