I don’t think Jordyn Jones is January Jones’ daughter, since Jordyn Jones is some inbred fetal alcohol syndrome baby from the backwoods of Michigan farmland, sold to the entertainment industry as a child dancer when she was like 5 years old, because Hollywood loves little kids dancing on their tv programming, which is fucking weird, almost like that whole PEDO-WOOD exploiting of kids of the rich and famous untouchables who can’t go down for crimes because the arresting officers are too excited by the celebrity, all. asking for autographs and selfies instead of ARRESTING THEM, but that’s probably just a conspiracy
I do know that Jordyn Jones and January Jones don’t just change the same last name, but the same shameless self promotion tactics, it’s almost like they are KINDRED spirits of STRIPPING DOWN TO A BIKINI HALF NAKED FOR CLICKS ….fun
Same name, same strip down to a bikini to show off my body hustle, but I guess with that logic,, 99 percent of women with an internet connection or smart phone would be in their club, since they are all exhibitionist whores, even the fatties!
The reality show dancer is in a bikini, runs an Only Fans, because what else is she to do in an era where they get paid so much to sell exclusive content to idiots who don’t realize if they DID NOT PAY they would STILL get it for free, because they chase likes like it’s money, the giving them money, fucked the whole dynamic up, losers!

Posted in:Jordyn Jones