Kendall Jenner may represent all that is wrong in this cultural void we’re living in, but you can’t really blame her for producing vapid and useless content, it’s pretty much what people are into, what people do, and want lowers people IQ enough to get them to buy anything like the mindless retard drooling on themselves that they are….blame social media…or her mother….or society as a whole….grabbing all that money that a single family can because they can.
It doesn’t make them any less shitty, but when you’re culture is based on how much money you make and you keep on making it, even without any fucking effort, it pretty much validates your existence or your shitty family that has ruined a generation’s existence…
Yes, I blame the Kardashians for all the hacked up muppet faced girls out there….but lucky for Kendall, she didn’t have to down that route, she instead got to pretend to be a top model, because if you believe it, then the people believe it, even if it’s all a scam and NO kardashian affiliate should be deemed top anything, unless they are fucking their boyfriends with a strap on like Caitlin does in her “PHANTOM DICK” moments….


Posted in:Kendall Jenner