Here’s some Bar Refaeli spreading her ass for fitness or for Israel, I don’t know, I am just surprised at myself for not doing a Bar Refaeli post when the people of instagram were following that pile of dog shit Bella Hadid’s anti Israel/ anti-jewish opinion the people who are bombing Israel had….which has been funny to watch unfold because the woke, who probably don’t know anything besides how to play SIMON SAYS or follow the leaders, think calling terrorists terrorist racist, but calling Jewish people Nazis is not….it’s a crazy world out there…and I really don’t give a fuck about any of it…I don’t bother picking sides on things that don’t impact my day to day…since we don’t have any control over any of that….but I will say for other people that this really doesn’t impact…I’m talking to the middle of the road moms trying to be mom bloggers on social media…maybe their political opinions that were created based on memes people they like posted should take a backseat, probably not as hot of a backseat as Refaeli’s backseat, and go back to posting pics of them breast feeding…because you don’t know shit, I don’t know shit, it’s been a crisis forever…fuck off….
That said, it doesn’t seem to be phasing Refaeli too badly, the IDF skipping, too busy fucking Leo, even though we thought he was gay, only to return to Israel and send her mom to prison for tax evasion, so that Bar didn’t have to go….where she does yoga not youga….like this…
Looks good to me with the middle aged Israel content doing slutty fitness…

Posted in:Bar Refeali