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Archive for the Charisma Carpenter Category




Charisma Carpenter Bikini Top of the Day

With yesterday’s Sarah Michelle Gellar post and I think I even did another one the day before, because Gellar is out here trying to get jerked off to like it was still the 90s and she likely was too good to admit she was being jerked off to, or accept that she was being jerked off to, and probably was like “ewww gross don’t jerk off to me”….but so much can change for a woman in 25 years, like the one who didn’t want you jerking off to her is begging you to jerk off to her…

I don’t know if Sarah Michelle and Charisma Carpenter linked up at a Buffy convention, saying “let’s collectively post smutty swimsuit pics for our fans to keep us both alive as people who get jerked off to”….you know keep the Buffy bros happy…but it fucking seems like it, doesn’t it.


Posted in:Charisma Carpenter




Charisma Carpenter’s Panty Selfie of the Day

I dont’ give a fuck about Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, but I can tell you a lot of the nerdiest, most virgin motherfuckers I ever met were way too into that show and basically any and all spin-offs of that show…

One nerd who saw every episode of the show, would track when the DVD box sets would be released for the previous seasons, and he’d buy TWO of them, one to watch, one to keep in the archived unopened….

Yes, he will be the last one laughing when he sells his collection in 20 years when mass produced DVDs that have never been opened become a thing….definitely…

I saw that some internet group or podcast group got a VHS tape auction up to 80k that they donated to Charity since they aren’t me, who would POCKET THAT shit…and it’s only a matter of time that DVDs do the same thing to retards….I mean people were buying GIFs for a million dollars a year ago…we’re a dumb species with money.

Anyway, Charisma Carpenter was on that show, her fans are likely as loyal as nerds are, and she took a panty selfie a few days ago, so they’ve already printed them up and put them in their nerd binders, as they do….but this is for the rest of you who want to see 52 year olds act like young internet whores as they do.

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter




Charisma Carpenter Bikini of the Day

Charisma Carpenter Bikini

I never watched Buffy….I am not that kind of nerd, if anything I fucking hate nerds, but having a shitty celebrity focused blog is probably the most nerdy thing you can do….I just don’t identify as one….because I don’t know anything about websites…but everything I do screams that I am the worst kind of nerd…one that doesn’t know he’s a nerd….and Old Lady Charisma Carpenter tits are making me realize what I actually am…thanks a lot…but at least the tits are big…not because the tits are inspiring…but they are big.


Posted in:Chantelle Brown-Young|Charisma Carpenter




Charisma Carpenter Old Lady Nudity of the Day

charisma Carpenter Nudity

Charisma Carpenter the washed up actress from BUFFY is naked on social media

This reminds me of that time an old lady was standing in the park totally naked and confused at around 6 am…as it turned out she had dementia and the old folks home was across the street from the park…they clearly didn’t pay too much attention when she walked out….the on duty pervert was probably jacking off to internet porn, something he’d brag about to his friends about how he gets paid to jack off to internet porn, thanks to the night shift…So for some reason she was convinced she was in Germany during the war….basically freaking the fuck out….and stripped down in her crazy..

Because Charisma Carpenter career was about as long ago as the second world war…but more importantly…because bitch is old and getting naked to show it off…in some kind of DEMENTIA sort of way.

She still has fans that I guess she’s bringing it for…or she’s just craving some attention through nudity like she did when she did Playboy 40 years ago.


Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW




Charisma Carpenter Hard Nipples of the Day

Charisma Carpenter Hard Nipples

Charisma Carpenter

People, not many people, but people…are very into Charisma Carpenter.

Forgotten from the days of Buffy even after doing Playboy when it mattered, always an exhibitionist, continuing it into her old age…not a terrible thing, not a great thing either, but a thing I’ll stare at cuz I love sluts…

When finding out that the only people who visit the site are in their 40s yesterday, I decided to only give you bitches you jerked off to in the past.

I am the TURNER CLASSIC MOVIE of the internet….only with new slutty content, and without Ted Turner’s billions of dollars, or Jane Fonda pussy juice scars on my dick.

Right. Totally..


Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW




Charisma Carpenter Ass for Instagram of the Day

Charisma Carpenter has some real loyal fans despite being 100 years old all because she was on a nerd targeted show in the 90s.

If you aren’t a 40 year old virgin, you probably never fucked with Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Sarah Jessica Michelle Gellar Parker years, but you may know some people who did.

I knew a guy who was fucking obsessed with Buffy, a total awkward virgin who ended up becoming a blogger, the old school fan boy way…worshipping these sluts like they matter…

He would probably cum himself watching the show no hands…not quite a talent when you’re that autistic and socially awkward. Your OCD focused on one thing and that thing was loving Buffy…

Pretty fucking queer if you ask me, but it’s nice to see one of the sluts on the show the Comic-Con crowd likes is still making them cum, still at it, like it’s all she knows, the next Maitland Ward I guess….

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter




Charisma Carpenter Has it ALl Figured Out of the Day

I don’t have all the answers, I am not a scientist, but I do know when you’re Charisma Carpenter, posting crotch shots on the internet is a good strategy to stay around…

Forgotten from the days of Buffy even after doing Playboy when it mattered, always an exhbitionist, continuing it into her old age…not a terrible thing, not a great thing either, but a thing none the less…

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter




Charisma Carpenter Subtle Casual Selfie of the Day

Charisma Carpenter Lingerie

People, not many people, but people…are very into Charisma Carpenter.

She is one of those “hot chicks” from a nerd show, who will forever exist because of the nerd show and nerds being into the hot chicks from their shows..

She was on Buffy or some shit, also did Playboy, is in her 40s and this is how she selfies.

Interesting, she’s the kind of girl these nerds who are still very into her, and who get mad when I do posts on her, I get actual hate mail, when I’m consistently writing hateful shit about all kinds of people that doesn’t get any emails when it is about other people…and I find that really weird…maybe it’s because she’s the kind of girl the nerds can pay 1000 dollars to fuck…like a Maitland Ward type…

WHO knows…but I dig the selfie

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW




Charisma Carpenter Cropping Faces for All of Us of the Day

Charisma Carpenter is such a kind soul or maybe she’s a clever narcissist because she knows that she’s old, as fuck, and her face is mangled, as fuck, and really quite possibly herpes ridden, as fuck, because she’s a disaster and girls need to get by after not working in a decade or more….

Hot body though. Which is what we should all focus on.

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW




Charisma Carpenter By the Pool of the Day

When you’re shooting pics of an old bitch…throw her in the pool – the light and water will distort her enough – to appear like she’s standing behind some foggy shower door….you know hotter through filters…

That’s not to say Charisma Carpenter needs a filter, she’s fit and maintaining at 40….because what else is some unemployed cunt who was in one show do…

Here’s her workout…


Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW