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Archive for the Denise Richards Category




Denise Richards Pussy Shot of the Day

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Denise Richards, who was rumored to be a hooker passed around the industry early in her career, but who wasn’t, is back to the weird internet sex work, despite being old as shit….I guess it’s just in her blood…or maybe she’s been to so many blood sacrifices with her rich husbands and boyfriends over the years, being all Hollywood, scamming the last of her fans out of a monthly membership for a nude is hardly hardcore compred to what she’s done and seen…

I still think she’s being punished, or this is being used as part of her humiliation ritual as part of their secret society they are all part of, because she’s rich and this is pretty embarrassing, but if you wanted to see Denise Richards pussy from behind, even half rotted out, you can probably chip away some of the mould and find the good bits, here it is.


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Botched Tits in a Snow Suit of the Day

Denise Richards seems like she’s so medicated and hopped up on Charlie Sheen diseases that she doesn’t know what day it is, but apparently she doesn’t know what season it is, because she released some pics from her premium content site, which I think is an exercise in humiliation, because why the fuck else is she doing this besides punishing herself while giving her 10 remaining fans what they’ve waited so long for, since she’s got money and doesn’t need to be doing this, meaning she does it for fun, to get jerked off to, to feel hot….in a too little too late…

I mean if she wanted to get into porn, there were so many opportunities when her husband was fucking porn chicks but she was too good for that shit, but now, she’s suddenly down….when she’s in her 60s, rich and has no need for this besides some mental illness in her fucking head….

I’ll still watch the weirdness unfold, but she’s a little old, her tits a little weird, the whole thing heavily disturbing….


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Plays Dead for The Fourth of the Day

Here’s Denise Richards being old and lazy in her Fourth of July inspired content that should probably offend the patriots out there as it being a disgrace to the flag, you know, kinda like shitting on it in a protest against cops or whatever it is that these people protest since the Orange Man’s been in office….

I think a sleepy, old or dead with a smile on her face Denise Richards is appropriate, since anyone jerking off to her in this era, I’m talking to her recent content, is clearly a necrophiliac and into this kind of “true crime victim” pose.

It could also be one of those “thinks she’s too hot or special to bother posing”, which could be something any of you who have fucked hot chicks experienced when they don’t want to put effort in as they are doing you a favor by letting you up inside them, and they aren’t going to mess up their fucking hair….

But I’m going with she’s realized her fans are necrophiliacs and she is speaking to that….


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards is Still Participating in the Humiliation Ritual of the Day

I am sure I’ve been hating on Denise Richards for as long as I can remember, because I do remember being told she was a low key prostitute working for famous Hollywood Madams, which made total sense after realizing she really on worked a handful of movies, none really memorable besides Wild Things where she dyked out with Neve Campbell and that giant pussy Kevin Bacon….

I never really thought much of it, until the Charlie Sheen scandals involving all the porn chicks he fucked and the HIV he tested positive for, while his Two and Half Men job was pulled from him….

I thought, if he’s into whores and trannies, then Denise Richards is either a whore or a tranny and based on their kids, I’m going with whore….

I figured she was rich enough from the divorce, child support, other projects she was involved in, so that we’d never really know her true colors, just get her on housewives where she plays and rich mom and leave it at that….

BUT THEN OnlyFans happened and Denise Richards couldn’t help herself, she had to see how much dudes would pay for her slutty old lady selfies, and despite it being real gutter bottom feeding shit, she keeps going, like she’s either making dumb money off the fans, or trying to figure out how to make big money off the fans, or like it’s an S&M Dom vs Sub relationship where her role is to do what she is told and she’s being told to do this shit….

It’s definitely challenging to jerk off to, even if sad sacks of shit are the only thing I know sexually….not being able to jerk off to her, is really confusing.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Scary Tits of the Day

The Denise Richards humiliation ritual continues….and she must be leveling up in the world of the elites where the rulers make their whores do shameful things as punishment or to prove their loyalty….and she’s clearly loving it because she’s bringing the smales, the happiness, the laughs and the good times, because I guess when you have no choice, you gotta make the best of it, so while the rest of us feel her cringe, her shame the weirdness….she just powers through….

It’s one of those how can she be smiling doing this, looking like this, aged out like this…she must be on meds…..because it’s all pretty sad and scary, but is it just a sad state of affairs for Denise, or is it just a sad culture overall because these things happen because it’s safe to say that not much is as sad as that sad tit….it looks like it belongs to some drunk retired dude watering the lawn at his 55+ retirement community in floriday…make that make sense…you can’t.


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Still Brings the Cake of the Day

It is Mother’s Day so this goes out to all the mom’s out there, including but not limited to Denise Richards…a MOM of three who is seemingly too rich to be doing this kind of exclusive content hustle, yet she’s doing the exclusive content hustle.

Like I always say about OnlyFans, I always thought the world worked in a specific way, that things went in one direction, yet it turns out that I was wrong, so there are old, rich, nasty, fat, ugly, has-beens, attention seekers, pretty much ANY and all women are able to recruit subscribers for a cheap monthly fee…people pay even for those I’d think wouldn’t get anyone to pay.

Now someone like Denise Richards, even in menopause, living a horny life she probably already lived, could obviously score enough dudes to justify humiliating herself, and really she’s not as gross as she could be at her age, it’s just more weird and creepy than anything.

I wonder if it has to do with her husband or ex-husband porn addiction, the normalizing of porn, that whole thing, where she’s always wanted to basically be a “sex worker” because she probably was one, but didn’t get the recognition for it….

Or maybe this is how you spice up your life as an exhibitionist at any age, but knowing it’s not getting any better, this is the BEST she will be for the rest of her life, as she slowly decays, if not now then when this shit….

I am all for Denise Richards doing softcore porn, I’m a massive fan, I am just shocked we are HERE today even having this conversation alone, to a screen, via a blog post, THE way conversations are meant to be.

Now show us more SKIN WALLET! It’s Mother’s Day!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Couch Humper of the Day

The Denise Richards humiliation train keeps on going, but more importantly, it keeps on giving, because I may find it insane that the losers of the world would subscribe to see this shit, but then again you have to factor in just how big of a loser a dude can be, where his glory days or brain injury happened in 1999 and like Y2K, his brain shut down and he’s forever been stuck there…..

There are dudes who do some weird shit, you may be one of them, you may have been in situations where you’ve even said to yourself “that was weird, I went too far with that fetish” and I don’t expect too much out of dudes….there is enough stunted, awkward, half retarded perverts to go around.

It’s Denise Richards who is weird. She is targeting the losers for money, she’s scheming and manipulating and I hold her accountable. She’s all ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG, while being TOO old to wear a thong….publicly doing SEX work, while simultaneously being a serious enough ex celebrity….

It’s got to be a troll, like she lost a bet, she’s likely TOO rich to be doing this, unless she invested in MADOFF or on BITCOIN at it’s HIGH…it just doesn’t add up beyond her fulfilling her own weird exhibitionist fetish and ultimately, it’s pretty fucking hilarious to watch unfold….

Old, rotten, expired, yogurt-y discharge and all….this is the kind of COMEDY I appreciate, because it is definitely HILARIOUS!


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Jump Scare of the Day

Denise Richards is still being shameless, desperate, hilarious and most importantly terrifying in what I think has to be part of a humiliation ritual at her elite Sex cult, part of some achieving higher level of consciousness in her secret society of perverts, because I can’t really understand why else she would be doing what she’s doing, other than to give us weird content to jerk off to, like it’s some sort of test in our ability to jerk off to things we really don’t want to jerk off to, but because we are sympathetic to how sad she is, kind souls, while being nostalgic, they are preying on us, when clearly she should spend more time praying.

Point of the story, wtf,


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards in the Shower of the Day

Denise Richards, old lady Denise Richards, who looks like she may have had her tail amputated, unless that’s just some old lady ailment, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, I wouldn’t know, because I don’t look at old ladies naked EVER.

What I do know is that you can see her CHARLIE SHEENER, which is what I call her PUSSY that he ejaculated in at least twice…which I guess deserves some support, because an OnlyFans without pussy is offensive.

I did hear rumors she was a hooker in her early life, just one who avoided hooking publicly, because she could disguise it as being in a relationship and no one was the wiser thanks to her getting mainstream work…occassionally…

So maybe this isn’t all that off course.

Plus Sheen, the AIDS BRO is also known for loving porn chicks, so you know that Denise likes to fuck.

I just find it a little weird, like a humiliation ritual, or like she’s being controlled into doing this by someone who has dirt on her, since she wasn’t ever naked like this in the prime of her career, she would seemingly have enough money to not do this, but you can never have enough money when you’re at this level…get what you can……it’s hardly the worse she’s done…but to think people pay for this is so odd….almost as odd as her doing this…like move on with your life, it’s not 1999, Y2k Happened bro.

I’ll still look at her pussy though…

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Upskirt Pussy Flash of the Day


So Denise Richards went somewhere in a dress with no panties on and figured it was a great opportunity to promote her onlyfans to the last of the stragglers who are still excited by her….and not disgusted by her.

I like pussy, old pussy, gross pussy, wet pussy, retarded pussy, amputee pussy, meaty pussy, mom pussy, pussy that smells like shit, homeless pussy, granny in the old folks home while changing her diaper pussy, crackwhore pussy, stripper pussy, calloused pussy, AIDS pussy, pussy after being fucked by a dildo made out of frozen feces pussy….but I’m not liking this pussy.

That’s all I have to say about that.


Posted in:Denise Richards