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Archive for the Em Rata Category




Em Rata Took Her Asshole Out in Brazil of the Day

I’ll assume that Em Rata produces her bikini collection in Brazil, because when I was a budding pervert in the 90s, I wanted to launch a bikini line so that I could get whores to model my bikini line while I jerked off, either at the shoot or to the pictures from the shoot….assuming I would go viral with my bikini collection before the internet was really a thing….and expecting hoards of whores to try to get recruited by me to be a bikini model for my brand.

After doing my research, the Brazilian bikini was by far the cheapest and I even found the old price list a few years ago, where each bikini would have cost me about a dollar…and they were hot bikinis….you know real skimpy in a time when girls wore one-pieces.

I could have been rich, but luckily for me, a whore like Em Rata with the big viral tits is living that dream for me….she has her own bikini line as an excuse to produce her own whore content while pretending to be an actual fashion designer with a brand…that way she seems like an Entrepreneur and not a straight up whore and that’s a smart place to be when you’re a whore.

So she’s in Brazil doing her business, big viral tits out, big mom vagina which is also viral, just a different kind of viral contained, and she’s showing off a lot of ass she’s been working on growing out as she nears middle age….

As much as she’s got that broken down face, her scam is a masterful troll and her body’s pretty alright to look at.

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata Proves Intimissimi is not Very Creative of the Day

After the Leni Klum and her mom titty campaign, I had hope for this brand, but their follow-up Valentine’s campaign is pretty tragic and depressing, which may be the strategy since Valentines for all you lonely people out there, who would be excited by this is a pretty depressing day.

Yes, this brand called Intimissimi that you’d want to think is totally out of touch because they are using dinosaur monster Em Rata in their Valentine’s campaign.

Maybe it’s because they are trying to target single mothers who don’t need no man unless it’s to get views on their content that they turn around and sell to lingerie brands.

Maybe it’s because they are just into overpaying, because Em Rata’s very fucking expensive from a per-post perspective on the social media machine.

Whatever their logic, which is clearly no logic and just in need of a marketing expense they can write off….they’ve decided the tits and body they want pushing their product needs to be Em Rata….

They clearly don’t believe she’s aged out, even though she has, because she’s maintained her tits and low body fat and perverted followers.

Maybe I’ve got Em Rata all wrong and maybe she’s not a mutant faced freak with all the muppet injections to the average man, but instead the object of perfection with a set of rocking tits on a fit frame that doesn’t age out.

Maybe she’s more than someone you’d expect to be selling her panties to pervs in her DMs, but instead someone who sells panties as part of a paid marketing campaign.

Maybe all brands should pay her 6 figures to 7 figures to strip down for them like a common whore who is not common at all because she’s mainstream, fashion and luxury. Famous for nothing, not very interesting in a world where you don’t need to be interesting, just perfect to sell products to Indian men with credit cards.

I don’t have the answers but Intimissimi did do the incest campaign with Heidi Klum and Leni Klum so clearly they’re into weird fetish content.

Posted in:Em Rata




America Enters Into the Golden Age of the Day

Trump’s already delivered on one of his promised of America Entering the Golden Age because Em Rata has fled the country with what I assume are a set of fake tits, where she’s decided to produce her whore TikTok content that she assumed was going to be banned even though it ended up being saved by Trump.

I’m a big Trump fan and I have been since the 80s, he’s hilarious and a master troll….so I like to believe America is entering into the Golden Age because of that too…but that could be the racist far right extremist algorithm I’ve been fed on the bro-sphere…brainwashing me into having balls after COVID destroyed our freedom and exposed the evil underlords running this shit who hate you…and it all could be propaganda using his charm to trick us into trusting him before the totalitarian regime comes in….

So along with ridding the country of the concept of tranny being a gender…he’s also got rid of libtard Em Ratas who fear the future of American and that is pretty amazing…even though Trump Saved TikTok….it still tricked them into leaving and we’ll hope ICE doesn’t let her back in.

So here’s some Em Rate whore content been able to spin and confuse marketing people into thinking it’s top tier, because America has been soulless, lost and confused and people have cashed in on it….

She thinks she’s high quality and fashionable content but shit’s being gutter shameless, whore smut….

It’s MAGA Monday motherfuckers..

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata Still a Titty Whore of the DAy

IN the event you were wondering, Em Rat Cow may be 45 years old, but she’s figured out her titty niche early on.

She has made millions off her niche without having to sell her nudes or sext losers on OF….which makes her a higher profile whore, since big luxury brands use her as a marketing vessel…despite having really just been titty click bait….

She may be a TWO TITTY ONE TRICK pony, who has been strategically placed and dominated in that space….which means she’s still doing that TWO TITTY ONE TRICK hustle…and it may not be that hot since she’s old, boring, annoying, obnoxious, egotistical because she loves herself, looking at herself, THAT SELFIE CAM SCREEN more than any man will every love her….even if she’s a little disgusting in the face….

BUT IT IS FAMILIAR and in the holiday season all we need is a little NOSTALGIA..

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata’s Tits are on Amazon of the Day

This is going to be a whining post about how slighted I am, set to a set of tits that made Em Rata billions of dollars, but it’s a lesson in INTERNET INJUSTICE!

So a few Christmas’ ago, I was accepted into an Amazon Affiliate…

About 20 years ago, I had an Amazon affiliate where I would push books on you poor illiterate reader…..but they took that away from me…

So I was excited to be let back in the club, it’s almost like if Google decided to stop blacklisting me and were like “you missed on about 20 million dollars in ad revenue with us based on your super great traffic, so here you go friend”….

I guess I am just looking for acceptance from BIG TECH…because I want a comfortable retirement.

ANYWAY….I get the Amazon Affiliate account set up based on being an “influencer”….it was the loophole I guess.

I put some articles up here, promote some products, push that shit not even that hard and make $1000 over the weekend…

$1000 may not be much to you, but that’s about 10 times more than this site makes in a month and I was only a few days in…

Anyway, these pricks end up canceling the Affiliate program, they blacklist me and they KEEP the $1000.

AMAZON STOLE $1000 from me…and there was nothing to do about it.

They though this site was a porn site and they don’t work with porn sites, but if you’re a pornstar and you want an AMAZON store to get your creepy fans to buy you shit…THAT IS FINE….just not if it’s a website called DRUNKENSTEPFATHER…


Spoiler alert…don’t be a “porn site”…

Now, I have been seeing old pics of EmRata’s tits from when she first started to get famous after being a NICKELODEON child actor in CALENDAR form.

I was like “is this feminist bitch with all her money behind old nudes in 2025 Calendar form, that doesn’t add up” because she sued the photographers and wrote creepy stories defaming them in her NYT bestseller…so she would definitely not be into this…

But then again, she’s a thirsty for attention rat-faced whore, so anything for attention….

And the real story here is that the NUDES are on FUCKING Amazon, the SAME Amazon that flagged me as a porn site, that stole my money, that allows Jeff Bezos to fuck trannies in his spare time and that releases weirdo fetish erotica….


Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata’s Got an Ass Apparently of the Day

I’m SURE it is REAL!

Em Rata, known for the tits that distract you from the dog face has pulled off some sort of high profile scam that has allowed her to be a high paid super star influencer all thanks to her willingness to show tits.

All these years after she went viral, the rat face is still getting jobs, now probably higher paid and in high fashion, despite being a set of jerk off titty fodder.

It makes no sense, but the system is rigged and some people are on the right side of the fucking equation…

We are not so lucky….

However, Em Rata still brings the smut, now in the form of “I HAVE AN ASS TOO”…one she probably did a lot of squats for, if squats means paying some plastic surgeon to suck fat out of her gunt and pump it back into her ass….you can tell by the rat face that she’s got one of those technicians on call to help maintain her boring, tired, lame career as an “important” public figure who pulls her tits out…


She wants you to know she has an ASS that helps her make all that FASHION money she’s been making…

Posted in:Em Rata




A Day is Not a Day Without Some Em Rat Cow Smut of the Day

Em Rata may be a shameless pig bitch who is much older than she was when her tits first hit, but that doesn’t mean she’s matured in her tactics and doesn’t do the same old tried tested and true shameless posing of her tits….

I don’t check in on Em Rat Cow ever, but when her content comes my way thanks to the forces of the universe telling me that Em Rat Cow needs attention, I don’t waste that gift by not reposting it here.

Today, Rat Cow is not topless, but she is showing cleavage and that’s exciting or by design so taht you don’t notice the weird old lady face with the retarded looking tits….

It’s one of those “IS SHE SENDING THIS TO HER PLASTIC SURGEON TO DECIDE ON FUTURE PROCEDURES”….or “IS SHE SENDING THIS TO HER PLASTIC SURGEON TO SHOW HIM WHERE HE WeNT WRONG”….or “IS SHE ACTUALLY HYPED ON HER FACE AND THINKS SHE LOOKS AMAZING”…because having an ego, lots of money and instagram followers, can easily make a bitch confused into thinking she’s a babe or that she matters, instead of realizing that people are just lazy and she’s properly positioned herself.

Shiny faced glazed in cum fetish TRIGGER WARNING…

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata Gets Called Out for Being a Titty Whore of the Day

Em Rata is trying to make a news story out of how abused she is, and not because her face is fucking mangled and looks like it’s been all swelled up after being in a boxing match with an angry husband when dinner wasn’t made on time…


As a libtard attention seeking man hater, she has to pretend this is the kind of misogynistic abuse she has to go through living in NYC…..the REVERSE CAT CALL.

What she’s not understanding is that the world isn’t an instagram feed trying to get as many likes and follows as it can get to monetize it appropriately….and despite having some rockin’ tits, maybe people don’t like the shamelessness of it all….maybe the titty lovers out there see her public walk of whoredom as vile, gross, attention seeking, negative, a bad influence on children, inappropriate…because it is.

I love tits as much as the next guy and I would tell a whore like her to “TAKE IT OFF”…but that’s just because my misogyny doesn’t seek decency, it seeks thick feeder nips…but I totally understand why someone would say “Have some self respect and some modesty you clown faced baboon”….and really why would someone want to go through life being confused for a gutter stripper or hooker, when they’ve got the money and resources to not be that….

The real question is what went wrong in DOG FACED PONY BOY’s life that has made her crave the MALE gaze so much, only to complain about it….

Was she not hot growing up, did she not get mail attention, is her dad an art fag or a diddler…I mean…why is Em Rata such a shameless whore even when middle aged…

I don’t like contributing this or helping it become a story, but seeing her told to put a shirt on cuz street walking with your tits out for attention is sad and MODEST IS THE HOTTEST…is pretty funny.

Funnier if she staged the whole incident for attention….which she would totally do considering the fact that she happened to be selfie-ing her made up face precisely when that happened.

Unless she’s always filming herself and that clown face….people just aren’t that LUCKY in their content capture…

SHOCKING…..EM RATA being a FRAUD…and committing to her bullshit…right.

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata Slutty Selfies of the Day

Clown-Faced Em Rata who consistently gets creepier and creepier as she gets more and more cartoon-like, still has those tits.

There is no word as to whether she has learned how to juggle, or if she has other big titty clown faced friends to cram into a tiny car, but that may be her retirement tactics because in the meantime, she’s still gaming the system with the tits.

I don’t really hate Em Rata, she’s a fraud, but she’s got tits and that’s ok…

I don’t find her content compelling or inspiring, it always feel medicated and anti-depressant level with her seriousness.

It’s some try hard trying to be dramatic because showcasing her actual fun or smile makes her even more terrifying….like a creepy Mickey Mouse or some shit.

The only reason issue I have with her low hanging fruit titty smut peddling, is that she’s got a big enough following and actual impact on the lame-street media, and they package her as some kind of ambassador or hero in women’s rights or empowerment.

I just can’t buy into a girl using her tits for money, making that money, being relevant and famous strictly because of the tits, and STILL after all these years and opportunities, even in running her own brand that makes her money….SHE STILL uses the tits to exist…

Yet, she pretends she’s higher concept than other girls showing tits…

Show the fucking tits, celebrate the tits, be rewarded for the tits, but intellectualizing it and trying to play photographers who helped create her tits as s brand now that she’s made it…is just darkness, evil ugly and it takes all the fun out of tits getting hits..

So ultimately, Em Rata fucking sucks as a concept….no matter who clout chases her, or who allows her to clout-chase them….or how cool or awesome or fun she may be in human form…we live on internet behind the screen and that side of her is trash…

Hot tits though…and in one video Em Rat Cow plays a Bille Eilish Charli XCX remix and makes a face about a lesbian reference, despite being a woke libtard where everyone is a lesbian, fag, or genderless tranny for women’s empowerment, which to me, means that she probably fucks Charli XCX at the satanic parties where they both had their rat faces immortalized in pop culture….because they are so liberal…

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rata’s Titty Show Continues of the Day

How long will the titty show go on…

I guess she’s not there yet, but there will be a time when then whole thing starts to feel sad.

I get the milking the tits and feeding her future as hard as she can because why give up on a good thing…

SHE WILL SHOW TITS FOR DOLLARS….it’s a business you perverts, not something to jerk off to you perverts, she’s empowered you perverts, don’t sexualize her you perverts.

It’s just unfortunate she’s not that hot, but she tries really hard to be hot and the tits look good and she’s not fat so there’s something to her being that pig that she is…TITS…is that something…

Here’s some of her content she wants you to jerk off to but will say that she doesn’t because you shouldn’t objectify women, this if the feminist anthem or something…produce jerk off material and demand it is not jerked off to for women’s rights….

Posted in:Em Rata