I’ll assume that Em Rata produces her bikini collection in Brazil, because when I was a budding pervert in the 90s, I wanted to launch a bikini line so that I could get whores to model my bikini line while I jerked off, either at the shoot or to the pictures from the shoot….assuming I would go viral with my bikini collection before the internet was really a thing….and expecting hoards of whores to try to get recruited by me to be a bikini model for my brand.
After doing my research, the Brazilian bikini was by far the cheapest and I even found the old price list a few years ago, where each bikini would have cost me about a dollar…and they were hot bikinis….you know real skimpy in a time when girls wore one-pieces.
I could have been rich, but luckily for me, a whore like Em Rata with the big viral tits is living that dream for me….she has her own bikini line as an excuse to produce her own whore content while pretending to be an actual fashion designer with a brand…that way she seems like an Entrepreneur and not a straight up whore and that’s a smart place to be when you’re a whore.
So she’s in Brazil doing her business, big viral tits out, big mom vagina which is also viral, just a different kind of viral contained, and she’s showing off a lot of ass she’s been working on growing out as she nears middle age….
As much as she’s got that broken down face, her scam is a masterful troll and her body’s pretty alright to look at.
Posted in:Em Rata