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Archive for the Gal Gadot Category




Protestors Crash Gal Gadot’s Walk of Fame Star Ceremony of the Day

I do not give a fuck about Gal Gadot and I generally like to encourage hate on all celebs, because they are terrible people who have pulled off the scam and think they are important….

I do not give a fuck about protestors or politics, but they are fucking losers and they make me hate them, their politics and whatever nonsense they are crying about, which is always inconsistent and dependent of what is on trend or in-vogue for the moment, because the libtard protestor is an inconsistent retard passionate about the protest and not the actual cause, or actually making moves to make a difference. They are useless entities, who ruin lives and should be sent to live on PROTEST ISLAND where they can protest in peace, while leaving the rest of us at peace.

Gal Gadot is a big famous star apparently, because she was given the honor to buy her own star for the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which literally cements herself as a figure in the film and television industry, it wasn’t just a fluke, she really matters and she will forever matter, or at least until the city is sucked into a giant sink hole after the big one comes….PLEASE COME BIG ONE….and not in a perverted way, which I am sure many people have said while watching or waiting for Gadot in her various action movies, like Wonder Woman….assuming they call their sad peniles “Big One”.

Gal Gadot is an Israeli spy, who got stationed in California to get that insider information and I’m pretty sure she lives in Los Angeles and not Israel.

To the people with no lives, she’s pro Israel, as she probably should be, it’s where she is from and is potentially her actual employer outside of all her Hollywood money that affords things like sidewalk tiles in the middle of a city.

Palestine / Gaza protestors decided to personally attack Gadot and make the shit going on in her country about her….because they have nothing better to do and figured it would be high profile and make the news….they were right.

It is possible that she paid them to push the agenda, to propagandize the whole thing, acting like she’s a victim of Israel hate, to hype the story of her Star she spent a lot of money on, or to keep the wars in the middle east top of mind. BORING.

Gadot, even if she’s a spy for the country, probably has nothing to do with any wars or political unrest in her country or neighboring countries….

All these people being so passionate about nonsense, like other countries, while watching their own countries be destroyed, when their voices and VOTES don’t matter, should learn to stop with the social justice, should stop virtue signaling and find happiness worrying about themselves, their towns or just focus on jerking off to Gal Gadot like the good old days instead of trying to get the witch stoned like she was in Salem….

They can come together for this shit, maybe they should come together on crackers watching a Gal Gadot movie, at least they’ll get a dopamine hit.

Let the starlet get the fucking star she paid for in fucking peace.

We have no control over anything, so let’s just remain the useless eating mouth breathers who consume all the shit these people sell to us….paid back by allowing us to stare at their tits.

Here’s some videos:


Posted in:Gal Gadot




Wonder Woman’s Wonder Bra of the Day

I am sure we can collectively agree that we wish this was a lot more exciting…but Gal Gadot is abotu 45 years old and has a bunch of kids, so it’s about as exciting as you’d expect it to be if you didn’t have a boner for Wonder Woman going into this, but you do and you can’t help it because your only friends were the comic books you’d escape to because your childhood was sad…and she is the personification of that, at least the modern version of that, but I’m far more into Lynda Carter’s tits than this….

Posted in:Gal Gadot




Gal Gadot Cleavage of the Day

Some people say that the Gal Gadot actress is some sort of psy-op sent from Israel to manipulate the minds of women into thinking that they can lead action movies as well as she did, all thanks to that Wonder Woman shit….

I don’t know if people actually say that, since I don’t talk to people, but I assume she’s some sort of intelligence agent hiding in plain sight, getting cast in movies because the producers get excited she’s from the motherland, only to get dirt on those producers at all the sex parties she attends with them, you know for the sake of intelligence gathering.

It is possible that she is just an actress who miraculously landed the huge movie opportunity, someone’s gotta land it why not her? Just a stars alligning situation….

So maybe the bros out there who are like “Gal Gadot is Hot” or “Gal Gadot has Tits” or “Wonder Woman’s never looked so good at 40” are right in not worrying about all the conspiracies around Gadot like a bunch of anti-semite Nazis…



Posted in:Gal Gadot




Gal Gadot in her Produced Underwear Selfie of the Day

Gal Gadot is some high profile actress for some reason….I’m not sure what that reason could be…

I mean it’s probably not from being in a bunch of Fast and Furious movies that are pretty popular amongst the retards of the world, but not popular enough to get you close to 100 million followers….which is insanity….really…it’s gotta be from Wonder Woman…unless there’s some international conspiracy that just decided she was the one for Hollywood, PUT HER THERE, but that’s not how the world works, things happen randomly, by chance, right place right time….stop being so cynical..

Well, she’s gifted her lot of followers because she posted a picture of her in what I’ll assume is some mom panties…shot by her photographer of 20 years, which at 37 means he shot her when she was 17, which is perverted….but not as perverted as you jerking off to a celebrity mom in her panties…considering you can’t see her mom pussy through said panties…not even mound, stray hair or bush…so does it even count as a panty shot? Sure it does..it’s just not a traditional mirror selfie since she brings a crack team of experts in to capture it….

Posted in:Gal Gadot




Gal Gadot in Some Pussy Hugging Spread Legged Jeans of the Day

There used to be a rumor that Gal Gadot is a Israeli spy sent to Hollywood to gather dirt on all the perverts, while pretending to be an actress, who they had no choice but to hire in some key roles, because she’s a spy sent to Hollywood with dirt on those decision makers, but I don’t know how true that is, since many talentless, uninspiring, boring, immigrants end up making it in the movies, just ask Margot Robbie! Maybe it’s just racist to think that an Israeli born, IDF babe would be more sophisticated than some Australian whore who’s career makes no sense!

Plus if you google it, that rumor doesn’t show up, so it’s been scrubbed, making the chances she’s an actual spy even more unlikely, since if she was a high level spy, the story would never be scrubbed from Google!

Not to mention, what the hell would anyone want to spy on the Hollywood perverts, no need for an insider to know that are all crooked degenerates who belong in jail!

So I’m in the school of thought that Gal Gadot was just someone enough dudes jerked off to, justifying her value in a movie like Wonder Woman, where we can all agree she’s got nothing on Lynda Carter’s tits, but since Hollywood is shit, we take what we can get, not that I watch those blockbuster, CGI, soulless movies, but I don’t mind looking at the mom pussy of their starlets spread legged in pussy hugging jeans, like I just stared at a handful of moms in the parks in leggings, assuming that they wear those leggings to hold themselves together, without the bandage like strenght of the leggings, there vaginas would be dragging on the ground!

Posted in:Gal Gadot




Gal Gadot Titties of the Day

Gal Gadot Titties

I don’t buy into the whole Gal Gadot thing, I think she’s full of shit, angling as this feminist leader because she was in Wonder Woman, which in and of itself is just objectifying women, but if you cast a woman director and a woman as Wonder Woman and pretend it’s women empowerment, it strikes off one of the hit list items of 2017….to get people into the movies.

The idiot fans believe what they are told about it…

I think Gal Gadot, like anyone in Hollywood, is just a puppet who does what she’s told, or who sucks up strategically to win at life…

I do not think she’s a feminist voice or leader, and I am sure none of the people who knew her before she went Hollywood do either.

I also think she’s old and not hot, and this isn’t an anti-Israel thing, it’s an anti celebrating overrated people thing….

But I guess let her shine in her glory…

Gal Gadot – Overrated – More CLICK HERE

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot’s Got the Hard Nipples on of the Day

Gal Gadot Hard Nipples in a Pink Shirt

I don’t buy into the whole Gal Gadot thing, I think she’s full of shit, angling as this feminist leader because she was in Wonder Woman, which in and of itself is just objectifying women, but if you cast a woman director and a woman and pretend it’s women empowerment the Hollywood idiots who think Action Comic Book movies are the answer to all, buy into the nonsense, and thus so do the idiot fans….

The highlight of her is that there’s a conspiracy around Gal Gadot, your Wonder Woman, because of Israel.

They are saying that she’s a Mossad secret agent, which would explain why she’s got famous, because why the fuck would anyone give her fame unless there was some Israel based conspiracy…

Hollywood is run by Jewish folk, and guilt for being rich Hollywood Jewish folk, would make them keen to partner up with an Iraeli…I used to know a rich girl who dated and Israeli, she was Jewish and her family would go nuts for this guy, anything he said or did they loved, even though he was just fucking the girl cuz she was rich and a way to America…they were blinded by Israel…

If she was a Mossad agent, it would make her a little more interesting, but I say she’s just a vapid chick who thinks she’s hotter than she is and her fans are fucking weirdos…and her hard nipples are really all they care about they buy into her overrated nonsens…but here are the nipples…at some film event because she’s legit now…apparently..


Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot is a Mossad Agent of the Day

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I didn’t read all this, but apparently there’s a conspiracy around Gal Gadot, your Wonder Woman, because of Israel.

They are saying that she’s a Mossad secret agent, which would explain why she’s got famous, because why the fuck would anyone give her fame unless there was some Israel based conspiracy…..

I just assumed it was Jewish guilt from the producers….who hired an Israeli girl since she fought for their country…while they were in Beverly Hills sitting by the pool on a pile of money…

But here’s some angling they are putting out on her to make her Wonder Woman seem more legit…

Here’s the story, that’s probably just a story….

The paper, a daily known as Al Liwaa, published an image of Gadot on their front page Monday, claiming in a report (via The Times of Israel), that she was actually Collette Vianfi, an agent from Israel’s international spy agency who was allegedly recruited to work with Lebanese actor and playwright Ziad Itani, who was arrested on Friday on charges of “collaborating” with Israel and gathering information about political figures.

Gadot has not commented yet on the claims that she is Vianfi, or a member of the Israeli National Intelligence Agency.

Gadot was crowned as Miss Israel back in 2004. She did serve a compulsory two year stint in the Israeli Defense Forces afterwards. She later went on to star as Gisele in “Fast & Furious,” “Fast Five” and “Furious 7,” and as Natalie Jones in “Keeping Up with the Joneses.” She has become a bigger Hollywood name in the last year for her role as Wonder Woman…blah blah blah….who cares…

I mean it’s nice to see that even spies can become vapid Hollywood rich people, who likely aren’t spying on shit anymore, you know sitting by the pool on that pile of money in California does that to a secret agent.

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot is Full of Shit in Elle of the Day

Gal Gadot

This whole sexual assault, woman power, especially when it is IDF Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, who was a virtual no one, but who now has the Authority to get the man who hired her fired from the production of her next movie, because he talks about blowjobs with actresses after years of getting blowjobs from actresses…it’s idiotic…

This woman supporting woman, down with the rapists, blacklist the rapists from Hollywood, even though the rapists were the same people they were sucking up to years earlier, public outcry now all of a sudden, because it’s trending and convenient, and good for PR to disassociate with everything bad, even though they all know what’s going on in the world they live in, but ignored it until they had to…

Whether it’s Sarah Silverman, or Rose McGowan, they all knew what was going down and are pretending they didn’t to not look like assholes, even though they are assholes..assholes out for themselves and this is just part of that hustle…

It’s funny to me…hypocrisy in the industry…these evil money grubbers and their master manipulation doesn’t fool me..

That said, I was sent this article on Medium that’s been removed but still in the Cache about how Gal Gadot, the Wonder Woman, doesn’t actually care about girls getting raped…shocking…

I copied it – click more – to see it – it could be fantasy, a lie, bullshit, but it’s safe to assume that the celebrities who are money hungry, power hungry, and told to position themselves a certain way as puppets that they are, are just trying to come across as “Wonder Woman” feminists, when really they want to be sexualized, paid, and turned into big stars..for their egos…

She was a virtual no one..and now she’s a huge star…she’ll do and say anything…

It’s all nonsense…and here are some pics of her.


Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot Riding the Fame Wave in GQ of the Day

Gal Gadot Riding the Fame Wave in GQ

Gal Gadot annoys me…

I just don’t find her that interesting, or that hot. I don’t watch comic book style movies, so I am not in love with her because she’s playing a new version of an old character I didn’t jerk off to when it was on TV in the 80s and don’t expect to jerk off to now. I am not against power women, I actually surround myself with power women, and think the concept of Wonder Woman is great, I am lazy and like to be supported, make me a housewife who doesn’t have to work please..it’s ideal…

I just don’t think Gal Gadot is a power woman, i think she’s an old actress, who used Jewish Guilt on Jewish producers, because if you know Jewish people, they all sympathize with Israel and send money to Israel, but don’t live in Israel…you see because she’s Israeli…

I think she’s a typical woman who uses her looks to seduce people into giving her what she wants, I mean she is an actress here, who gives a fuck about actresses, what the fuck do actresses do in the grand scheme of the world besides bitch about the grimy producer they fucked to get their career and blame him for being a molestor…forgetting they are the ones shoving his dick in their mouth…then turns on them and refuses to participate in movies if dude’s part of it…in a “you’re not that important, quick letting your fame get to your head cunt”…strategy she should be penalized for because she is replaceable…

It’s a weird time, a time where this puppet is just a puppet, but she’s cashing in and I guess that’s what matters..

I just prefer my Wonder Woman to be closer to 20 than 40…..but people buy into what they are sold and here she is in GQ….

Since that’s not enough of her…here she is:

1-In Another Magazine

2- At an Event Who Cares

In more intersting news, speaking of Justice League Premiere….check out this Brooke Ence Crossfit Games winner turned actor…bitch is SCARY…and there’s definitely a fetish up in here…..


Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW