This whole sexual assault, woman power, especially when it is IDF Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, who was a virtual no one, but who now has the Authority to get the man who hired her fired from the production of her next movie, because he talks about blowjobs with actresses after years of getting blowjobs from actresses…it’s idiotic…
This woman supporting woman, down with the rapists, blacklist the rapists from Hollywood, even though the rapists were the same people they were sucking up to years earlier, public outcry now all of a sudden, because it’s trending and convenient, and good for PR to disassociate with everything bad, even though they all know what’s going on in the world they live in, but ignored it until they had to…
Whether it’s Sarah Silverman, or Rose McGowan, they all knew what was going down and are pretending they didn’t to not look like assholes, even though they are assholes..assholes out for themselves and this is just part of that hustle…
It’s funny to me…hypocrisy in the industry…these evil money grubbers and their master manipulation doesn’t fool me..
That said, I was sent this article on Medium that’s been removed but still in the Cache about how Gal Gadot, the Wonder Woman, doesn’t actually care about girls getting raped…shocking…
I copied it – click more – to see it – it could be fantasy, a lie, bullshit, but it’s safe to assume that the celebrities who are money hungry, power hungry, and told to position themselves a certain way as puppets that they are, are just trying to come across as “Wonder Woman” feminists, when really they want to be sexualized, paid, and turned into big stars..for their egos…
She was a virtual no one..and now she’s a huge star…she’ll do and say anything…
It’s all nonsense…and here are some pics of her.
Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW