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Archive for the Kelly Rohrbach Category




Kelly Rohrbach Ass Eating Her Bikini of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Ass Eating Her Wet Bikini

Kelly Rohrbach aka the new CJ from Baywatch but the new PAM ANDERSON she is not. Her tits are too real and sloppy….but her Baywatch stint could be why she’s out there surfing, you know Kelly Slater was on Baywatch and he is a world champion surfer, why wouldn’t all the Baywatch cast and crew get up on that surf trend, live that surf life, surfs up dude…..not to mention…all kinds of old people are doing it and bitch is looking old…so this trendy and cool surf thing is a great accessory for an instagram pic…a good excuse to be on the beach….until the shark eats you and you end up like that Jesus loving Beth Hamilton chick…

Point being, Kelly Rohrbach is some rich kid from Connecticut, who got into SI with her big tits, cuz that’s how rich people live, they just get whatever the fuck they want with the help of paying people off…her dad, Clay Rohrbach, is a Financier…who is on that board at Hanover Foods Corp….which basically is just so you understand why she’s in Hollywood…

She also had a stint as Leo Dicaprio’s public girlfriend, which I guess gave her more than just herpes, which in all honesty she probably already had, you know with that whole trying to be famous shit, dicks enter pussies raw….but then again Leo is a known homosexual and likely only put it in her butt…if that…it was more a marketing ploy for all involved…

Well she’s at the beach, living her rich kid who doesn’t need to work life, bikini bottoms jacked up her ass, while jacking the surf life from actual surfers, and you’ll likely like this…so like it.

Round here we only have eyes for one surfer with a bikini eating ass.. Anastasia Ashley.. the contest winning Surf Slut…

Anastasia Ashley Surfer Booty Ass Eating Bikini



Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Ass in Shorts of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is pretty uneventful, but Leo DiCaprio has had sex with her, possibly anal sex with her, or maybe other specialized freakish sex with her, because he’s rich and famous and has all the pussy he wants, that he likely does weird shit to the girls he makes his girlfriend, and he likely needs weird things done to him to get off…

I mean kids these days, with all their porn watching, are all fucked up perverts just from watching porn, I can’t imagine what kind of weirdness Leo is from being Leo and living the Leo life…

I just know that her ass isn’t that great and if I was Leo, this would have never been my public girlfriend, but I guess he fucks dudes and has different standards than I imagine I would have if I was an A-List celebrity.

She’s in short shorts walking around lost now that Leo has moved on and she’s got nothing really going for her besides a rich family…and that’s about all there is to do with that…

to see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Washing Her Pussy of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Washing Her Pussy in a Bikini

Kelly Rohrbach is the girl from Baywatch, here she is topless and here she is hosing down that rich girl that got into Sports Illustrated pussy….the way you have to when you get sand and fucking sea creatures up in your cunt…or salt on the herpes scabs…

Keep in mind. She did date LEO DICAPRIO….and if he actually fucks women…it’s likely without condom…herpes scabs or not….to which the women fuck regardless cuz a little herpes aint a thing if it means getting the press and exposure you get from fucking Leo…plus if he knocks you up….you’re laughing…I mean dating Leo got this one on Baywatch..otherwise she’d just be a forgotten SI big girl with big tits…who doesn’t matter and is totally interchangeable…thanks to this thing called instagram where every girl has a fucking bikini pic for you to jerk off to…you know…I KNOW

Hose it down like the farm animal it is…I say.

Kelly Rohrbach Washing Her Pussy in a Bikini


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Topless of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Nipples on the Beach

Kelly Rohrbach is an official actress now, and in being an official actress, she’s gotta maintain her body, because we all know she’s only getting these acting jobs because movies need hot pussy people want to jerk off to and if you’ve played the scene property, you can be the next Margot Robbie, Emma Stone, Jessica Alba, you know talentless garbage, decent looking sometimes, but not all that hot girls, who get all the fucking jobs…because movies need pussy…so maintain that hot pussy…

And I guess she’d doing her

PR by showing off her big tits, a lesson she’s learned from her friend Kate Upton, or really any basic logic any half retard who got everything in her life from her tits – knows from a young age – when getting those tits…

Best known for being Pam Anderson in Baywatch movie I hope no one here watched, you depressing humans…BOYCOT that nonsense that should have never got made….but also known as a Sports Illustrated model in one issue, or more importantly Leo DiCaprio’s fake girlfriend because he’s a gay and likes keeping up this Playboy illusion, using these girls, finding one worth promoting….and then starts getting cast in Hollywood…because Weinstein isn’t the only dick that makes careers….it’s just the way it works…as much as everyone wants to fight the world and make it some Sesame Street mutually respect happy place…you still gotta fuck your way to the right meetings…otherwise why the fuck would a dude give you the time of day or help you out….because he wants to see you succeed…get fucking real you dumb fucks dot com.


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach’s Fitness of the Day

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Kelly Rohrbach’s an official actress now, and in being an official actress, she’s getting fat, but she’s gotta maintain her body, because we all know she’s only getting these acting jobs because movies need hot pussy people want to jerk off to and if you’ve played the scene property, you can be the next Margot Robbie, Emma Stone, Jessica Alba, you know talentless garbage, decent looking but not all that hot girls, who get all the fucking jobs…because movies need pussy…

She was a Sports Illustrated model in one issue, bedded Leo DiCaprio for a while and starts getting cast in Hollywood…because Weinstein isn’t the only dick that makes careers….it’s just the way it works…as much as everyone wants to fight the world and make it some Sesame Street mutually respect happy place…you still gotta fuck your way to the right meetings…otherwise why the fuck would a dude give you the time of day or help you out….because he wants to see you succeed…get fucking real you dumb fucks dot com.

Nice Shorts though…


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Selfies of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach was a set Sports Illustrated tits that I guess were slated to become a big deal…thanks to strategic moves, the right friends, or an agency that really believe that can make a lot of fucking money with her….or more importantly…Sex with Leonardo DiCaprio…

She was one of the vaginas that allowed Leo to Cum inside her, assuming he isn’t gay, in exchange for some press…and I guess it worked out well for her because she’s in Baywatch, the worst movie concept ever…wearing a bikini.

These are some of her selfies, non nude of course…but to promote Baywatch obviously..it’s her big break…she fucked to get her and dammit she’s gonna make it work.

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach in Pantyhose of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach has fucked Leonardo DiCaprio – assuming he fucks the models he dates and doesn’t just keep them around so that you don’t figure out he fucks dudes…

She’s booked a movie that I am hoping is straight to Netflix, which is actually a good thing these days, so maybe I should wish it goes straight to DVD…and only DVD as it just shouldn’t have been recreated / reworked, LEAVE BAYWATCH ALONE….

She’s the Pam Anderson character, without the hepatitis, but probably with herpes..I mean there’s no way LEO doesn’t have some kind of rich famous dude STDs…

Now she’s modeling stockings for a EURO brand – like she’s hot…so it looks like she’s made it..all from making it…with a celebrity….

So girls who are out there half naked in selfies…if you want to really matter…find a famous dude to put up with, or sit on their face…or in their case let them sit on your face…it’s good for business…

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Picking Her Ass in a Bikini of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach is rumored to have had sex with Leonardo DiCaprio – which took her out of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine that doesn’t really matter – and give her a taste of the good life – like he has done with a bunch of models – and that he is currently doing with retard head Nina Agdal – only unlike Nina Agdal – he got this one when she was a Rookie, not when she was old – tired – washed up and ready to virtually die as a model….giving her all kinds of opportunity – like being in the Baywatch movie…or more importantly – picking her bikini out of her ass for the paparazzi – because they care – the people care about her – she matters….and is more than just big tits in a bikini that Leo fucked…she’s more than that….she’s also an ass.


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Modeling Bullshit of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach is some fake model – who did SPorts Illustrated, that’s how you know she’s not a real model, since they very rarely have REAL models on their Swimsuit issue, but rather real average, all american girls with some big tits…not that that’s a bad thing…it just is when the bitches being featured think they are real models…cuz they end up dating people like Leo, who put them on the map and help increase that ego with being cast as Pam Anderson in Baywatch the Musical…. until they get to the point of hooker to maintain that lifestyle…where they just only date billionaires….making for real vapid, superficial, ugly people…all while ultimately not being that hot, or interesting or amazing…even when doing some modeling like these pics…just dog shit…that’s all I smell…and see…dogshit…but that’s probably because my wife is sitting across the table from me….


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach Fitness Pants Leonardo DiCaprio Used to Wear of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is so overrated, just look at her ass…it is a flat, unexciting, uninspired, dimply but Leonardo Dicaprio co-signed her, he pretended she was the girlfriend because he’s gay..and that took her from being a low level promo model no one cared about from Sports Illustrated, to an very high profile actress who plays Pam Anderson in the new Baywatch that I hope no one bothers seeing…because I don’t like supporting the success of low levels. I like them to stay in the bottom of the barrel at the bargain basement they belong in.

It’s like girl has one job, and that’s to have a nice ass..she’s a bikini model..and despite being skinny – it looks like she’s given up…that’s what making it does for these people…they get their dreams and egos validated…

Here she is in fitness pants…bad ass….still worth having it sit on your face and here she is doing some weird posing…



Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW