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Archive for the Paris Hilton Category




Paris Hilton is Back and She’s Flashing Her Cooch Again of the Day

She’s back….

I saw these pictures earlier and just assumed they were from a long time ago, because you see Paris Hilson has done this shit before, cuz as a self absorbed little cunt who thinks the world revolves around her, soeverywhere she goes is like her own private fucking bathroom that she doesn’t care who is watching her take a shit, just as long as people are watching her take her shit. It’s like she has no shame, no realy concept of privacy, she loves exploiting the fact that idiots like us care about her pussy lips, and she is such an ego that it doesn’t make her have low self esteem, it actually inflates the shit, cuz she knows she’s on fuckin’ top.

As much as I hate her and wanted her to disappear, I’m glad to see this one trick pony finally out of the barn she’s been hiding in and back where her spoiled brat, herpes ridden ass belongs…flashing her cunt on the internet. Good fuckin’ times…this is like a shitty sequel to a shitty movie that should never have been a movie in the first place….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Cooch Flash|Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Still Obnoxious in Her Bikini of the Day

I guess the Valtrex isn’t working too well for Paris and she’s in the state of “Outbreak” because if she wasn’t, I’m sure she wouldn’t a pair thick white shorts with her bikini. She’s a public figure and thick yellow puss and blood stains is totally unacceptable.

The real annoying thing isn’t so much that Paris Hilton is in them, it’s that Paris Hilton is ALIVE in them. Seeing her standing on the bow of the boat like some kind of queen greeting her royal army to let them know the woman who’s honor they are defending, only she’s got know honor, she’s just a common whore who is even better than a common whore, because she’s from a seriously rich family that could have allowed her to be anything, from the top doctor saving Aids babies in Africa to a lawyer, engineer, artist, anything…only she chose to be a professional party slut with herpes and that is some pretty fucked up shit…cuz common whores usually only whore themselves in hopes an agent or rich Oil Tycoon comes along to change her destiny….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Bikini|Paris Hilton|Whore




Paris Hilton is Back with her Bikini Wedgied Ass of the Day

I made a vow to never post Paris Hilton pictures again. I was tired of her and wanted her to disappear and she pretty much almost did. I don’t think I had anything to do with it, she was just laying low, but it was a nice moment of piece.

The problem with me is that I am inconsistent. There’s been many times I’ve said “I am never drinking again” or “I am going to lose 40 pounds this week” or “I am going to quit smoking” and I pull through and stick to my guns for a solid 5 minutes because my will power is just so strong….

So I can’t help but post these pictures of Paris Hilton showing her ass in a bikini, I have just trained myself to do this shit and I can’t turn my back to a bitch craving attention, no matter how played out, useless, ugly, disgusting, diseased, boring, annoying she is….

So here’s Paris Hilton making my kind of comeback, now I just want her to do an instructional video on how to play connect the dots with herpes scars. Fa-La-La-La.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton’s Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Despite hating the paparazzi, I kinda need the paparazzi to give me shit to write about, making it a love/hate relationship. So I’ve been reaching out to them the last couple of weeks asking for more pictures of these celebrity bitches from behind, because I like a woman’s ass, especially when on a celebrity, because I hate celebrities and not seeing their face makes them far better looking to me. Not to mention this angle is the most believable angle in terms of visualizing a fantasy, because if I was ever to fuck one of them, it would be from behind because based on experience it’s the best way to rape a useless bitch you just dragged into a back alley who thinks she is better than you, mainly because they can’t bite you as easily. So the good news is the paparazzi listened, the bad news is that they decided to spite me by doing it with pictures of Paris Hilton and her really shitty, sloppy useless ass in sweatpants, because I guess they hate me too….Assholes.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Ass|Paris Hilton|Sweatpants




Paris Hilton’s Meaty Purse on Her Actual Purse of the Day

The interesting thing about Paris Hilton is that she is a wallet fucker, but unlike most wallet fuckers who fuck a rich dude who will promise them the good life, she fucks her own wallet, because her pussy was directly tapped into her bank account. So whenever she let it out of her pants, millions of dollars made its way into her wallet.

Not that it is all that intersesting, she’s just a modern day whore, who slutted herself out for attention because her dad didn’t hug her enough because he was too busy hugging cocaine with his nose, and she probably didn’t do it for the money in the first place, it was just an added bonus, making this joke really fail, but we’ve come this far so here are some pictures of her with her meaty purse in her panties rubbin’ up her actual purse and these pictures because the two go hand in hand……and it all made me go against my Paris Hilton ban.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Paris Hilton|Purse




Paris Hilton’s Tits Hang Out with her Sister of the Day

I made a vow to never post on Paris Hilton, but I slept in today and figured I had to post something fast and she’s easy. At least that’s the rumor.

Here she is with her push-up bra and her sister because her sister is the only person who hangs out with her since everyone else realized she is the single most disgusting, vile, useless person the world has to offer, and sister’s have no choice but to stick together.

This is a great way to start the day before Halloween, because based on this bitches big nosed bird face, this is Hollywood’s version of a monster.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Paris Hilton|Tits




Paris Hilton and Her Useless Tits of the Day

I hate Paris Hilton and I vowed to never post about her again, but I never do what I set my mind to, I actually think I am one of the more inconsistent people I know, but then again I don’t know all that many people, so when she brought out her tits in a push up bra everything I had set my mind to went out the fucking window and here are those miserable pics of this nasty looking whore and they unfortunately remind me that I hate myself and have no self control…


Pics via Fame

Posted in:cleavage|Paris Hilton|Tits




Paris Hilton Subtly Advertises Her Rancid Pussy of the Day

Paris Hilton is always out lookin’ for dick. Whether she’s dating someone or not, she’s working on filling her empty soul by filling her wobbly vagina. She’s even gone so far as to incorporate subliminal messages when she walks down the street to make the outsider think she’s actually promoting environmental issues, like the useless celebrity who bounces on causes like she bounces from cock to cock, because her only real issue or concern is herself, and thepeople who know her, or who have been inside her, know the “Go Green” is in reference to fucking her fungus filled pussy and not about recycling or hydrogen fuel cells.

Posted in:Green|Paris Hilton|Vagina




Paris and Her Sister Show Their Ass Cheeks From the Front of the Day

Paris Hilton is wearing an almost see through shirt and nobody gives a fuck. The only thing interesting in this shit is trying to figure out why I can see her and her sister’s ass from the front, but even that is as dull as their repetitive bullshit, I am going to go watch real pussy, in real skirts because the internet is garbage, it steals that, remember that while clicking on all my ads and keep clicking refresh for the next update cuz you know it’s coming, almost like you know Paris Hitlon is coming with more annoying shit to make us all hate ourselves more than we already do.

Posted in:Ass|Nikki Hilton|Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Flashes Some Panty of the Day

I am the first to admit that I don’t really keep on the pulse of what’s going on in pop culture. I always feel a few steps behind because I am not a 16 year old girl and I never really cared about celebrities. I just kinda fell into this shit and have no real passion for it.

It seems like I’m still fixated on the bitches who came up with me over the last 6 years, I mean not that I’m really up, but I have probably written more than 500 posts on Paris Hilton so it feels like we kind of have a relationship, even if it is one-sided and the whore doesn’t know I exist and I wish I didn’t know she existed, but for some reason all she has to do is flash a little panty, and I go against what I know is right, and post it anyway, because there’s little else going on out there and it is almost second nature and that depresses me more than seeing Paris’ panties, which actually doesn’t depress me at all, since it is the only article of clothing she really needs to be wearing, you know covering her ratty, drippy, scabby cunt is actually a public service….but she may want to try to keep her man-hands out of the picture cuz that’s the kind shit that can turn a generation homo.

Posted in:Panty|Paris Hilton