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Archive for the Paris Hilton Category




Paris Hilton’s House Burns Down But She Doesn’t of the Day

The biggest tragedy in the LA wild fires is that they took one of Paris Hilton’s many homes because her and her man are bratty rich kids who earn stupid money….and that the wild fires didn’t take Paris Hilton with that house…

So instead of ridding the world of a parasite who helped create the Kardashians while dumbing down a generation with bimbo “that’s hot” mindlessness, while Paris was mindful of precisely every move she made in her manipulation of the market, she just wanted to think she was a vapid idiot rich kid as part of her brand that people loved so much……

We’re stuck with an attention seeking, sex tape vendor in her 40s deciding to have another go at this celebrity thing….

The real tragedy in the wild fires is the pets and animals, that shit actually makes me sad….

The celebs losing their homes while spending decades as some of the worst, insufferable, stains on our culture…not so sad….taking them out with them…also not sad…yet these cockroaches don’t die…they just keep on manipulating….

BURN BABY BURN….this time not just when you pee from your STDs….but because going down with the house is the honroable thing to do…didn’t she see Titanic?

Here she is in a BURKINI because she’s old….

Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton’s Sold Out Comeback Concert Event of the Day

When I think of Paris an comebacks a very different image than an actual concert comes to mind….

I don’t keep track of Paris Hilton but I figure any excuse to re-watch her sex tape is a good one. It may be a little bit of a medicated, zombie-like fuck with a skinny bitch who talks in baby talk, but it’s also an iconic moment in pop culture.

She wasn’t the first person to do the sex tape, she was just the first person to do the sex tape properly, where it actually launched her career as an “influencer” before influencers existed, instead of just being some socialite trust fund bitch.

I am convinced that she’s the brains behind the Kardashians and that the Kardashians pay her out every year after she created them, but even if she’s not, they only exist because
Paris Hilton pulled her cunt out first.

Paris was everywhere in the 2000s, then she was non existent during the 2010s, maybe doing lame DJ gigs and still printing money, but not in our face with her “That’s Hot” half retarded speak she made famous….

For whatever reason, ego probably, I mean she’s got money, her husband’s got money, her family’s got money, so it’s not about the money, even though people with money like more money….she’s decided to be the pop star she has seemingly always wanted to be, bringing back her viral song of 15 years ago, doing a whole produced live show.

It could be a mid-life crisis, maybe the technology is good enough now to make her sing better than she previously could, maybe she is AI or transgender but it could be a never too late to live your dream when you’re rich and famous, it could be an inspiring thing for all the old fucks out there with a dream, it could just be a marketing scheme, but ultimately, she’s still skinny with her tits out and without Paris Hilton, I don’t think the internet would be as fun or as full of trashy whores with sex tapes and a dream….

Here’s a round-up of what went down, what is being celebrated with the tits out and she’s looking alright for 45 years old. Thanks science and whoredom parasites.

Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

Paris Hilton is not dead, in fact they are re-doing Simple Life for this modern generation which we can only hope fails miserably because it’s a new era where Paris isn’t relevant and her cunty rich girl princess act doesn’t resonate with the genderless people…even though the only people who will likely be into Paris Hilton are the fags…

Paris Hilton, who is basically a fag, decided to tuck her cock into her bikini for some shameless self promotion at 45 years old…using instagram filters…

Her rabid herpes were kept under control or at least hidden from the discerning fans, so no one on the boat who hasn’t already been contaminated by her herpes was contaminated…

I know what you’re thinking, that you saw her vagina in sex tapes and paparazzi pics, in all its crusty and deflated glory….and to that I say…she’s rich, it’s movie magic, what better way to deny your size 12 foot isn’t a dude’s foot than to release a porno to launch your career using a body double…

Seriously, Paris Hilton’s feet are so big that you don’t need foot finder, the feet find you…..

I made a MEME because I’m fucking GEN Z up in here and all these fucking hack fucks with their shit memes getting rich – GIVE ME SOME OF THAT low hanging fruit MONEY….SHIT HEAD STEVE…

Don’t be so gullible and stupid buying into this asshole rich people who manipulate you with their trash….

But stare at their bikini content like the whores they are…not because that is what they want you to do, since they feed off your energy and attention…but because that’s what you want to do….THEY DON’T CONTROL YOU!

Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Christmas Lingerie of the Day

Old as shit demon who I like to think is responsible and probably even monetizes by getting a cut off the bigger fucking demons that are the Kardashians, basic fucking terrorists who took Paris’ lead in sex tapes people actually wanted to see, because Paris was hot and not some hairy troll pulled out of a sewer and gifted to OJs lawyer like the other one….

Famous for being famous…realizing that photoshop exists as do Paris Hilton face filters for the Paris Hilton fans which when used on the real Paris, don’t make her look as old, tired or manly.

Rocking some Christmas Themed lingerie, because she presents herself as either a fan of Jesus’ birth, which doesn’t really line-up to being one of the Elite satanists, but I guess they can’t be too obvious about that shit, and really, the gifting and monetizing of Christmas probably makes this money grubber’s menopausal pussy wet….

I am not a Paris Hilton hater, I think she’s an important figure in pop culture, but I do hate the Kardashians and I don’t think they’d have existed without her, so she’s kinda like patient zero, if you had that time machine, she’d have to be the target to rid us of the Kardashians, but it is possible that Paris was just riding society’s vapidness and the whole influencer trash thing would have happened regardless of her paving the way….right place right time even though she was already rich to begin with……

Point of the story, I appreciate the big footed socialite stripping down 15 years later like old times because it make me feel like there is still hope for us….and that we’re not aged out yet…

Lingerie on Christmas is an ideal tradition at any age, so next year get your granny those crotchless panties she needs to house her old meaty scabbed pussy because standard panties have too many contact points….you know like Paris probably is….


Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Got Them Titties On of the Day

Paris Hilton Got Them Titties ON

Paris Hilton is a legend on a lot of levels, including but not limited to being a small titty ambassador because clearly she’s never got the fake tits all the other girls with small titties got..including her lame sideclick and lopsided titty Nicole Richie…but she’s adopted and if you’re adopted or know anyone who is adopted…you know is all fucked up because even her own parents didn’t want her….

I like to think Paris Hilton is the actual matriarch of the Kardashian empire, like she actually launched Kim and family and that she gets a kickback on all they do, allowing her to be more behind the scenes and less desperate and disgusting than the Kardashians…but I am not privy to that kind of information..

I am pretty sure she’s in her 40s now and looks better than most 40 year olds…and I assume she’s about to make babies because at 40 it’s time…hence her engagement….but I am not privy to that kind of information…

In fact, Paris Hilton blocked me on Instagram early in her instagram and I have no memory of writing any rude comments because when I used instagram…I would get deleted for rude comments…including one made on Bijou Philips / Danny Masterson Rapist’s feed…and I figured why bother…I can save the hate for the website no one visits….

Paris is a legacy brand at this point, I remember the sex tape, the leaked cellphone…where I got her ex boyfriend Stavros’ number and ended up trolling Stavros into getting me on the list at a Paris Hilton party in Montreal…this was probably 15 years ago…the glory days…that didn’t involve seeing her vagina, but I guess there’s ample archives of that online…which is less dangerous than seeing it in person…

What I am saying is Paris is hotter than ever, which makes no sense since she’s also older than ever and that I like that she committed to small and manageable tits cuz small tits are hotter than sloppy ass tits…and that’s about the extent of what I have to say about that…oh and check out that bicep….

Paris Hilton Got Them Titties On



Posted in:Paris Hilton




Battle of The Asses of the Day

Battle of The Asses

We like having fun over in these parts because everyone takes their lives too fucking seriously and that’s idiotic in and of itself, we are insignificant and we all die, get over your uptight, oversensitive, whining cunt self….not to mention this is the fucking internet…the escape from your shitty life where you shouldn’t bring your baggage from your shitty life…but instead watch porn, play FLASH GAMES like Jake’s Booty Call or whatever we did in the early days of the internet…and send your friends some weird stileproject puke videos or some shit….instead we’re all crying about people being deleted off social media, or crying to get people deleted off social media…you fucking children fucks…

SO in loving to have some fun, here’s a little throwback to better times, but in modern times, as Paris and this rapper girl help relaunch Juicy Couture back into the trendy athletic gear and Paris better be part owner in this shit because she basically put Juicy on the map…and not because of her wetness in her sex tape…but in actually helping the brand become billionaires long before random ass idiots were becoming billionaires for pushing made in china shit direct to consumer on IG like it’s late night TV…

You know back when billionaires matters, meant something or were respected for their ingenuity, hard work, drive and success story…instead of “my sister had a sex tape and I lazily sat around as a team of people uploaded pics of me, until one day they said we should do a beauty company and I was like ok and now I am a billionaire…yay”….bullshit..

Bullshit you could argue Paris ALSO started but it would have happened anyway…blame the camera phone…

Either way, which JUICY ass is better, even though Juicy are not the kind of athleisure-wear I am into since it’s not skin tight leggings…but it’s still a BATTLE OF THE ASSES…enjoy….


Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Pumped Up Tits of the Day

Paris Hilton Pumped Up Tits

Paris Hilton may be 40 years old and the people have probably stopped jacking off to her sex tape many years ago, I mean it’s pretty fucking old and so is she…but that doesn’t stop her from doing photoshoots with her tits, that could be fake tits, that could also be push up bras, or maybe just natural tits, I mean I remember my grandma had massive tits in her senior citizen years, but was flat chested in younger years…I guess like noses, tits keep growing…

I don’t know what this shoot is for, but I know she’s the reason the Kardashians exist and should be taken out back and shot for that….

I also know that the old are most at risk for COVID-19, so we can hope that at least one celebrity we hate gets it and dies to it, assuming it’s not just a Hoax, basically like Paris Hilton’s career…one giant episode of Punk’d….without that loser Ashton Kutcher to really ruin it.

All this to say, she’s still hot, maybe hotter than ever, I wonder what stem cells, or aborted babies she’s getting injected into her face….maybe some she’s got kept in her chest freezer in her disco in the basement of her silly Paris Hilton house…

Paris Hilton Pumped Up Tits


Posted in:Paris Hilton




Paris Hilton Nipple Pasties of the Day

Paris Hilton Nipple Pasties

Paris Hilton is mad at the Abortion ban, not because she’s affected by the abortion ban, by this stage in her life she’s already menopausal and had all the abortions she’ll ever have….not because men have no right to decide how women run their body…she’s mad about the Abortion ban because she eats abortions for the stem cells to stay looking at 27 as she can for as long as she can…and she’s made it to 40 so it’s not so bad…

What is bad is that after a decade of her taking the back burner to her Kim Kardashian prodigy, she’s decided to start making an appearance again..boring…

But her nipples are out, not quite a Rick Solamon fucking her scene…but a nipple pasties scene and that’s ok…



Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Paris Hilton Erotica of the Day

Paris Hilton Erotica for Gay Times Magazine 1

Paris Hilton doesn’t interest me….she’s old, she’s tired, she’s boring…and has always been boring….she’s the reason the Kardashians exist and along with Ryan Seacrest should be tortured in a good old fashioned witch hunt for polluting society with such trash, indulgence, commercialization, consumerism and disgustingness….you know really definitely not the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT….

Her sex tape was shit, but told rich people everywhere that they too could leverage getting fucked, spin it to monetize the fuck out of yourself, and become famous for being a rich kid…something so many people have followed the lead on…we have a generation of girls getting naked all day to just get paid to be themselves…

I will say that Paris Hilton’s recent showing up places, is probably more interesting than her herpes….and I will say that 10 years ago she brought entertainment…but unless that herpe puss is being flashed…there’s no real point in looking at any of this bullshit….because it is bullshit…



Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

Paris Hilton should be taken out back and shot – because she’s the reason for the Kardashians. They totally used her strategy to get exactly where they wanted to be…and they never disappeared…because of social media, I guess people don’t unfollow these creatures….and throw money at these people…and I just hope Paris is getting her 10 percent management fee because without here, these trolls wouldn’t exist.

It would explain why she’s off the radar and almost forgotten, only recently making appearances half naked, that I can’t track because she has me blocked on social media…rude.

But that the internet still makes available to me…to see and say “she looks good for 40. Still skinny. We like that…..but she should still be taken out back and shot…for creating the Kardashians…it’s only the right way to handle this injustice and evil.

Posted in:Paris Hilton