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Archive for the Stella Maxwell Category




Stella Maxwell Pussy Print of the Day

Stella Maxwell is the social climbing hipster model who I first saw in a Terry Richardson shoot where she had wonky ass hipster titties and looked like a straight up dude on estrogen, but for whatever reason, she decided to go full bimbo, land Victoria’s Secret, probably because she was being human trafficked, or involved in other suspicious behavior, hence her fetish for fucking famous chicks, you know like KRISTEN STEWART..and Bella Hadid and Miley Cyrus, there have been a bunch of normie industry girls rumored to have sat on this face.

She is in Ibiza on some yacht with Irina Shayk, who may be bankrolling the whole thing with her prostitution money, or her child support, but there’s always a rich dude behind yachts with models on it.

But child support, modeling and sucking dick for a dollar is basically same same. They are being fancy and luxurious in these times to just say “Fuck you, losers who aren’t as hot as us”.

Stella’s outfit hugs her pussy harder than an emotionally broken Kristen Stewart probably did, and that’s always fun to look at on PUSSY WEDGIE WEDNESDAY, but being a skinny model means the pussy isn’t fat enough to chew on like cud..or VISUALIZE yourself chewing on like cud…….do people visualize chewing cud when eating pussy. I assume it’s a thing.

Point of the story, lesbian fetish model is still looking hot, but I like tall skinny models who probably diddle Irina Shayk in a date rape setting while drunk in luxurious settings.

More from her vacation:


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Tits on a Boat of the Day

Stella Maxwell may be a hot Victoria’s Secret model, but she wasn’t always a hot Victoria’s Secret model, her early work when she was more androgynous in an era where the hipsters were androgynous, not blue haired chopping off their dick androgynous, just more “Gender Bending” paving the wave for the woke dick choppers…

I remember posting her Terry Richardson nudes, REMEMBER THAT GUY….and thinking she sucks….but I guess she realized playing the cliche hot blonde chick was a better approach, so she got some tiny implants, got put the map and got to be progressive by pushing her lesbianism like Cara Delevingne, both competing to fuck the most A-List pussy they can get their hands on as A-List pussy look for angles to seem woke enough to maintain fans in this bullshit era…

She’s fucked all kinds of bitches, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus, Bella Hadid….and even Barbara Palvin who she was BFFs with before using Palvin’s connections to be her BEST version of herself, you know maximized potential.

In conclusion, she’s on a boat.


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Nipples of the Day

Stella Maxwell went to some British Award show because

Stella Maxwell is the famous hipster lesbian model who has been human trafficked the right way because she’s not living in some dungeon peeing on command on some cam show, she’s instead a Victoria’s Secret model who has fucked some A-List girls as they dabbled in public lesbianism to push the agenda, as they do….

Not that I don’t believe in lesbianism, lesbians exist, I just know there’s a lot of fair weather lesbians, in LESBIAN FACE, culturally appropriating LESBIANISM, you know the old school Diesel Dykes in their construction boots, and making it more fancy….

I don’t really believe that’s much more than a perversion, you know a way to cum without the aggressive man, just two BFFs hanging out diddling themselves and each other…to avoid that whole making a family….because men are scum, men don’t care about learning how to make a girl cum, and no one knows the pandora box of pussy better than someone who owns one…

Anyway, she was once androgynous before it was mainstream, and instead went fully LIPSTICK lesbian, where she represented the LEBSIAN you’d want to fuck, because she wasn’t fat, lonely and lesbian for lack of options, but instead HOT about it and thus able to use it as a stepping stone.

Apparently you can see her tits in this, I can’t tell…but I like tits….


Sluts like OLIVIA CULPO and Eiza Gonzalez were there…


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Thong of the Day

Stella Maxwell Bed

Stella Maxwell is a Belgian, UK, Ireland, New Zealand passport holder…and she may also be an American too, so she’s likely a fucking spy working for the Globalists…or at least a puppet who was sold to the creepy human traffickers at Victoria’s Secret, probably after trying really hard to get in…but you know how these things work, these bitches fuck the right people who open doors for them….

Anyway, I remember that Stella Maxwell when she first got to New York from her worldly modeling travels, and she was a shaved head, uneven tit, weird looking genderless lesbian, who you probably wouldn’t have noticed anywhere she went, but Terry Richardson shot her, and before he was cancelled for doing what he did, while people always knew what he did, and that stamp of approval fucking made her…or at least got her the opportunity to fuck Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart, Lily Rose Depp, Taylor Hill and Bella Hadid…

She’s the fucking MODEL WHISPERER, or at least the model pussy eating….eating the pussy for it’s pussy power and using that power to win.

The point is….that she was a monster, signed to VS, and became hot…and has been hot ever since….and here she is being hot..


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Topless of the Day

Stella Maxwell is clearly struggling during COVID as she posts her thong ass on the beach somewhere, because COVID doesn’t affect the rich, if anything it makes them way fucking richer thanks to that Stock Market crash, bounce back, bitcoin, rich person shit…

I am not one of those hate on people just trying to live their lives despite COVID, I actually think that’s what we should all be doing and not because I don’t think the virus is serious for some people, but because I believe in our right to choose our own fucking destiny….it’s like these people who don’t want to government to meddle in their abortions are the same people begging for curfews and lockdowns, despite the negative effect it has…

Not that we care, this is about the thong ass of a hot model on a beach… it is just to say, it’s funny to see the inconsistencies from all these fucks…pretending to care, pretending to be woke, because they are lesbians who fuck A-Listers….so you can’t really say anything negative about her because that will make you an un-woke discriminator who hates the gays….even if you’re not saying shit about her being a star fucking lesbian…you’re saying that she clearly isn’t effected by COVID…it’s all so confusing…

What isn’t confusing is that she came to NYC many years ago with uneven tits, a shaved head and a hipster model dream…grew her hair out, got small tits, and fucked Kristen Stewart, Miley and whoever else…and now is a VS Angel…the scam worked.


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Kevin Spacey Tribute of the Day

Stella Maxwell is the New Zealand hipster model with a dream. She first appeared on my radar as this androgynous weirdo shooting topless for Terry Richardson before the internet and industry decided to cancel his overpaid ass for being sleazy, even if sleazy was his whole mantra and basically the vibe of all his pictures….but that’s a story for another day, the injustices of cancel culture that I don’t give a fuck about because Richardson used to make 100k for a day of work that is hardly work. He was scamming proper and all good things should come to an end, which is why this site lives on, since it fucking sucks…and all things that suck never die.

Anyway, Stella Maxwell was ahead of her time with the whole shitty lopsided tit and shaved head thing…taking lesbian seriously…and I guess that didn’t pay her or pat her on her lesbian back hard enough….so she decided to get small tit implants, grow her hair out, become a girl, fuck celebrities that were identity crisis…from Miley to Bella Hadid to Kristen Stewart to whoever the fuck else she’s been with after random famous parties…like the horny degenerates all these rich people are….

She ended up becoming hot, becoming marketable, becoming a dyke for Victoria’s Secret, something most hipsters, or authentic hipsters would DENOUNCE if they ever could, but that this star fucker mooch hopped in on and went hard with…

She naked in rose pedals, for whatever reason, and that’s about all I gotta say about that.


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Fucks Models of the Day

Stella Maxwell Fucks Models BARBARA PALVIN

Stella Maxwell is a sexual deviant or a sexual predator to the stars but she isn’t seen as a predator because she is a girl….the double standards man…..unless she’s not a predator but just a perverted lesbian girl who uses her sexuality to manipulate her way to the top of the food chain…..

I have heard a few stories about how she groupied Barbara Palvin back before Stella was a VS girl, in efforts to get her way into the people at Victoria’s Secret to become the “angel she became”….I don’t know if that’s true, but she was a ratty ass genderless model with wonky tits prior to her VS stint…so it’s very possible….whether she fucked Palvin or not is a whole other story.

But I do know that she fucked Miley Cyrus for the press, she fucked Kristen Stewart for the press, you know target the weak identity crisis or trying to be edgy trending newsworthy girls you know you can win over to the lesbian side, especially now that lesbianism is trending, and being a lesbian to the stars is key to success because brands need to hire lesbians….it’s just a good situation to be in…

So whether she can or can’t be ousted or cancelled for her behavior doesn’t really matter, either does her fucking to elevate her status, a lot of people do that…..and I think she looks pretty hot doing it…unlike most lesbians I know…so keep that “hot lesbian” fantasy alive…when I know what “lesbian sex” actually looks like in this era of lesbian….and it’s not Victoria’s Secret model scissoring…it’s people protesting Victoria’s secret for not having obese trans models in their lingerie but that’s a whole other story, we’re here for Stella Maxwell’s photos album of FUN…

I have no idea what fashion magazine these were shot for, but they have some great cameos and TITTIES!!

Bella Hadid
Stella Maxwell Fucks Models BELLA HADID

Miley Cyrus
Stella Maxwell Fucks Models MILEY CYRUS

Stella Maxwell Fucks Models MILEY CYRUS


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Bella Hadid the Lesbian of the Day

Auntie Bella Hadid, or is it Uncle…is taking advantage of the birth of her sister’s baby to get some hype around herself with these lesbian pics of her and some sexual predator.

The other day there were some pics of a very manly Bella Hadid, because I’ve been saying she’s gotta be a man for as long as she’s existed, all hard faced even with the plastic surgery, and tits can be bought motherfuckers…plus she’s got that hairy chest and all…it jut made sense…

As it turns out, she is in fact the lesbian she’s always looked like, or at least she dabbles in the cunt, as proven by these clickbait, self produced lesbian porn pics, because everyone in her generation is a some gender fluid, sexuality fluid, weirdo….it only makes sense.

The other woman in the pics is Stella Maxwell, who you know as the straight girl predator, convincing all the otherwise straight girls to eat pussy, because I guess she’s just that persistent and doesn’t get called out for that persistence since MeToo only applies to men..

This isn’t the first pussy she’s convinced to try the sloppy fish cutlet on fish cutlet scissoring, it’s actually her fetish and she does it consistently to elevate her own name…luckily she’s hot about it…which makes the whole lesbianism with her not so lesbian at all…because real lesbians like woman who look like lesbians because they are also women who look like lesbians…the idea of a lesbian going for a VS model, is more a girl trying to be a straight dude…

All this to say, all these fuckers and brokedown weirdos….and also that Bella Hadid is not hot…even when she’s clickbaiting like a horny pervert bitch….


Posted in:Bella Hadid|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Bra of the Day

Stella Maxwell Hike

Stella Maxwell is the celebrity lady killer, she’s the pussy so hot it turns these weak celebrity women who lack souls and an identity thanks to being sold to the vapid life of fake glamour that is the entertainment industry, so that bikini and lingerie clad immigrant hipster girl can move in on them, as they run in the same circles, and convince them to do some drunken facesitting and scissoring adventures, because if you’re going to have a lesbian experience to fill the void that is your life, you might as well do it with a Victoria’s Secret model, it’s pretty top tier in theory, rewarded and accepted by the world as being hot enough to do Victoria’s Secret, which for people with no souls or identity, it allows them to buy into the idea…plus lesbian, gay, trans is in right now, to be a full person who can act in films for millions of dollars, you need to experience all that is trending to be a fuller version of yourself….at least that’s how I assume Stella Maxwell moves in on these idiots to give them the orgasms that make them come back for more while increasing Stella Maxwell’s profile…

She’s fucked Miley, was in a relationship with Kristen Stewart, she’s probably not even full lesbian, just a pervert or someone who knows how to manipulate idiots…but she’s hot and that’s what it comes down to.


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Getting Wet of the Day

Stella Maxwell the self proclaimed lesbian who has managed to convince a bunch of A-List talent to try lesbian sex because they are easily manipulated, empty and confused, always seeking a new thrill because they have everything, and lesbianism is a trendy thing to go for, so why not do it with a model at Victoria’s Secret, which is the opposite of what any penis hating dyke I know would be into. I thought the whole point of lesbianism was for women who can’t get dudes to not be lonely…so they give into more domineering hormonally male looking bitches for that love and non-judgemental support….and together they live quiet homebody lives knitting, crafting, baking and watching lesbian movies while listening to old “WOMEN IN SONG” albums they bought at the thrift store, the same thrift store they bought all their furnishings and flannel at…..you know….lesbian shit….that ends every night with some mutual masturbation, much like solo masturbation, or some getting eating out by the manly bitch…..while hating dicks because they conditioned themselves to hate dicks….even though they fuck each other with phallus’…..

Lesbianism is a myth, no women is naturally born a lesbian, it takes sex assault, bad break-ups, peer pressure, or a trend to get them there….otherwise why do they buy sperm off craigslist to turkey baste into themselves to make babies…they want to be single moms, fine, but they want that dick juice in them to be single moms….so that’ in and of itself is NOT VERY lesbian…

For a “lesbian” to date a VS model….reminds me that actors are fucking actors and have no idea what’s up…they just like the media hype and being able to associate with a group….cuz they eat pussy to get off instead of dick.

Pretty dumb, but Stella Maxwell, the hipster turned A-List Lesbian Creator….is pretty hot…she gets hotter and hotter…maybe from the souls she sucks out of valuable and expensive cunt….because her early modelling was some lopsided hipster weirdness….while this is just so much better.

Here she is in some see through lingerie for the same photoshoot
Stella Maxwell see through lingerie thong


Posted in:Stella Maxwell