Stella Maxwell is the lesbian to the stars.
You may not know this, but there was a time in the last decade of clown world, where everyone was some DEI, WOKE, inclusivity retard….
Where people were categorized and rewarded based on their status, retardation, sex orientation, color…
So uninteresting pervert celebrities decided to jump on the trend, or they were hired to push the agenda into the mainstream, because that’s the point of celebrity.
Instead of dealing with a manly bull dyke, they preferred the lipstick lesbian, who lived up to the unrealistic ideas they all protested int heir fatness, because why go lesbian with a cow, when you can go lesbian with a Victoria’s Secret model…
For some reason, the world didn’t turn on Stella Maxwell for being a skinny and unrealistic body pusher for the billion dollar “Big Underwear” brand.
That reason was her lesbianism….
She may be skinny and half naked and all we hate, but she’s ON THE RAINBOW SPECTRUM so she gets a pass.
They also embraced the celebrities like Miley and whoever else that Stella recruited and fisted like a sexual predator groomer….were going down the RAINBOW slide to depravity…all to appeal to the market.
They didn’t care that it seemed fake, or that Miley choosing a VS model to be her lesbian was jokes, they just cared that she could say her sexuality was fluid and other gay pride shit…instead of saying it’s a parasite driven mental illness…
So Stella the pervert who fucked her way famous got to fuck the famous which made hre more famous and here she is half naked..
Posted in:Stella Maxwell