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Archive for the Stella Maxwell Category




Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell Boring Lesbians of the Day

I am not one of those dudes who gets off to Lesbians, or lesbian porn, I actually dislike lesbians and find them unfulfilling, anti-climatic, because I need the cum shot to know it’s over…

Maybe it’s because lebsians hate me for not taking them seriously, or believing that lesbians actually exist…or because I have a penis…

I just can get into it, so even when girls fist each other and squirt pee everywhere, I’m like “boring”…..probably because I know how lesbians work, besides doing cross fit, they are two women and that’s just too much crazy for me….

Or back in the college years when everyone wasn’t a fucking genderless lesbian weirdo with open sexuality….and girls would make out with each other when drunk…I’d think “this is so dumb”….unless my dick’s in their mouth while they do that…this does nothing for me….

So I am not really the lesbian fan you should be talking to if you’re looking for someone excited about celeb lesbians…even when one of those lesbians is a Victoria’s Secret model.

I find it boring, I find Kirsten Stewart boring, and even though this would be a fun story in the 90s, before lesbians were real….it’s not a fun story now..

Sure I’d watch their sex tape, but even that would be boring….

A model with a very famous broken actress she’s manipulated with her mouth…

It just seems so contrived to me…but here’s some lesbians in shorts no construction boots or birkenstocks for you fucking weirdos who like this ….


Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell, Seductive Lesbian of the Day

For a dyke, she really knows how to produce content for pervert dudes to jerk off to.

Most dykes just want to rip the cocks off of men, probably because they were molested by men, at least statistically.

While this one gets half naked, in a look how hot I am, you can’t have me kind of cocktease…which I guess works for her because broken celebrity women seem into eating her cunt, and because dudes like us accept the fact that we will never fuck any of these bitches so it’s all one massive cocktease….

Here are her tiny nips
Stella Maxwell Nipples See Through Shirt

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell and Sara Sampaio Tits in Cannes of the Day

Stella Maxwell Tits in a Black Lace Dress in Cannes

Stella Maxwell is the Victoria’s Secret model, manipulator, social climber, celebrity fucker who has leveraged being a hipster model with a shaved head and uneven tits from 5 or 6 years ago…to being a top model…

I have no idea how that happened, but assume it starts with eating famous pussy…and throwing Barbara Palvin under the bus, because you have to really want it to make it in America…and when you really want it…you do anything for it…and obstacles you need to climb over like Barbara Palvin become easy prey…

But here she is…all A List at Cannes doing whatever it is so does…tits out…lookin’ good.

She’s in tights….and damn Stella Maxwell is skinny, it’s like Kristen Stwart sucked all the fat out of her via her vagina during lesbianism….she’s with her colleague and overrated VS model Sara Sampaio….

Sara Sampaio and Stella Maxwell in a White Bra in Cannes

So here’s Sara Sampaio who is not deserving of a post of her own but thanks to riding Stella Maxwell’s famous paparazzi care where the pussy Kristen Stewart is, she’s relevant by association…

Sara Sampaio Tits in a Black Lace Dress in Cannes


If that doesn’t interest you, maybe the lesbian Stella Maxwell scissors and manipulates does:

Here’s an angry Kristen Stewart…who may or may not be Patrick Stewart’s daughter…I’m going with not…


Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart Lesbian Ass Shots of the Day

Kristen Stewart's Girlfriend Stella Maxwell Ass in short shorts

Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart in some shorts…because I guess lesbians can wear shorts…they aren’t banned from shorts…even though you’d expect their shorts to be more basketball shorts that go past their fat lesbian legs….assuming lesbians actually exist and are not just a myth created by the patriarchy and porno movies to give men something to jerk off to when bored of watching big porn dick…you know the fantasy of two high school besties at a sleep over discovering each other…something that likely happens all the time, and that is happening now with Kristen Stewart thanks to the aggressiveness of Stella Maxwell…reminding us how cliche of an identity crisis Stewart is as she character acts or method acts her way into lesbianism…being as stereotypically dyke as she can be…except for her lack of flannel…and dolphin shaped dildos because penis shapes are gross to them…it’s part of their muyth…

Kristen Stewart Ass in short shorts


Heres more Stella NAKED on INSTAGRAM from a shoot with some magazine called ISSUE magazine cuz they are clever…

Stella Maxwell Tits Nipples out in a Sheer Shirt for Instagram

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell in a Bra of the Day

Stella Maxwell Bra and Short Shorts

Stella Maxwell is a mooch who prays on the weak, like Kristen Stewart who is such an identity crisis – unable to navigate her fame or that hollywood shit…that she’s became a cliche frat boy or 40 year old dude – who jacks off to Victoria’s Secret catalogs, only she’s rich and can do it in person…because the Victoria’s Secret model is trying to propel her career and what better way to do it than a lesbian scandal with a big famous high paid star…it’s ridiculous…but anyone who knows lesbians knows they don’t like hot chicks…or cliche hot chicks…or Victoria’s Secret models…that shit is so not lesbian…despite Kristen Stewart’s ridiculous lesbian hair..

I’m not FOOLED…

But I do like this Stella Maxwell hustle…she’s masterful in the scam and trickery…the hustle…of the idiots…


Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart Still Scissoring of the Day

Stella Maxwell and Kristen Sewart LEsiban with Their Chihuahua

The Scissor Sisters – Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell – are still scissoring – in the event you were wondering – and based on their walk I wonder if any fists are involved in their dyking out, because when there’s no dick in the room, these girls get creative with the objects they can fill their cunt’s up with….

I like to think Stella Maxwell the scammer – knows how to scam her way to relevant – and she does it on the back of women through what I assume is a masterful tongue…that can make these girls she traps squirt everywhere…

And the girls she traps who squirt everywhere, are broken down celebrities, who increase her profile, but are such identity crisis’, easy to manipulate into feeling loved and not taken advantage of…

You can tell by how serious Kristen Stewart takes her dyke persona…she’s like a cartoon caricature of a dyke…which is how you know she’s not authetic…it’s acting that Maxwell clearly doesn’t care about because it get her in the paparazzi…something she’s done before to become the Victoria’s Secret model she doesn’t necessarily deserve to be on hotness alone..

Celebrity / Model / Homosexuality isn’t exciting to me…but maybe it is to you…and I’m here to deliver..and not just because this site is so broke ass I take on a night job as a pizza delivery man….but in my posts also….

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell New Pussy Cheating on Kristen Stewart Scandal of the Day

Stella Maxwell  and her new lesbian out for dinner

Stella Maxwell is with new pussy…because I guess Kristen Stewart has moved onto less attractive bikini model – opportunist lesbians who objectify themselves and let a billionaire MAN objectify them in exchange for money – you know a real sex worker who’s dream was to be this sex worker…that in this climate is not very current, the last of the dated gender roles, which for a fake lesbian like Kristen Stewart, trying so hard to be the best lesbian, really committing to lesbianism, that just shouldn’t fly…

It’s like use the hot model as the gateway lesbian, for the frat boys to jerk off to you lesbianism, then go for the more realistic lesbianism, the plaid flannel and construction boot lesbianism…

I always complain when I see “hot” lesbians, I don’t trust them, as most lesbians that I know are like dudes, and that’s what I am comfortable with.

Lesbian scandals as boring as lesbian porn..


Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell in Her Panties of the Day

Stella Maxwell in her panties and bra in bed

This Stella Maxwell picture was from her instagram…inappropriate you’d think, but I guess she’s a model who gets paid to be in her underwear, so this is just her work and her livelihood..

I guess is taken by Kristen Stewart the pervert who exploits her model pussy…proving that she’s not a real lesbian…because real lesbians don’t like stereotypical hot chicks…most lesbian couples are disgusting fat flannel wearing short haircut girls…not Victoria’s Secret models…if this relationship isn’t fake lesbianism…I don’t know what it is…I mean I know exactly what it is…Stella Maxwell Publicity Stunts to get noticed by preying on these broken rich and famous people she attaches herself to because they easy victims….

I guess the real question from all of us is…WHERE ARE THE SCISSORING PICS…lesbianism is always anti-climatic in porn and otherwise…but we still like to see scissioring…especially on that weird and uninteresting Kristen Stewart….who without TWILIGHT…would not exist..

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxewll|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Naked of the Day

Stella Maxwell Naked in see through plastic robe

Stella Maxwell is some overrated – strategic – enterprising – not that hot – or wasn’t that hot when she was playing the hipster model – who has turned it all around through scamming proper – by sitting at the right table – buy fucking the lesbian celebrities to increase her value – and who is now in a relationship with Kirsten Stewart, the girl who has never been that interesting, always weir and lost looking, and likely easy to come in and manipulate – I mean Stella Maxwell did it….but then again she’s tactical and has made magic happen – if you think being a VS model who bangs actresses is magic – which I’m sure you do.

It’s a lot of hype and here’s a topless shoot of her.

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Stella Maxwell Lesbian of the Day

Let Stella Maxwell inspire you this day after Labor Day, where you were likely thinking to yourself “I hate working, I hate my job, I hate my life, this day off really makes me want to never go back to work”….or “I hate that I am working on Labor Day because I am the bottom wrung of the ladder, I am the one no one likes, I hate this existence”…and remember that Stella Maxwell was some hipster party model, not that hot, uneven hipster tits, useless even…one of those getting naked but you’d never look twice and never think she’d actually make it….

But then she banged a few celebs, famous chicks who were weak, lost, disasters emotionally from the fame, and worked her way in, stealing their glory, riding their coat tails…because bitch must say the right things, or eat the pussy right…but either way, she’s not top tier famous and known and hot…and all it took was strategic using of people…so even if you don’t have what it takes in anything you want to be doing…you can either fake it, or find a rich fat chick who wants to be eaten out daily in exchange for food and rent…because there are broken women everywhere…

There are options…

Posted in:Stella Maxwell