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Mary Grocery Shops Better than You of the Day

Marry – or .. >Mary Sebastian Pickles Magdalene is probably one of the realist bitches on social media, calling out all the haters, while being one of the fakest looking bitches on social media, because she’s doing some live action, performance art, parody of the bitch’s of social media, which has made her as famous as the bitches of social media who pretend they aren’t jacked the fuck up with fillers, fake tits and Brazilian Butt Lift fake asses, and at the very least more interesting!

I am of the school of thought that if you’re going to get fake tits, you go over the fucking top and become a cartoon about it, rather than pretending you were born that way!

Anyway, Mary went grocery shopping, and it’s a brilliant fucking content piece, because, she’s a brilliant degenerate who makes money from pervert subscribers instead of hooking herself like she used to, so she can sit and do poppers or whippets all day!

If only my grocery shopping was this fun!

Posted in:Videos




Hollywood Fucker of the Day

Here’s a funny video that I don’t know the context of, it’s a trend, you know post shit I see that I know nothing about, but it’s got all the elements of a Hollywood movie I’m looking for, a dude fucking a whale of a girl on the side of the street from behind, but not some quiet street, a very public street with spectators who I guess he get embarrassed by, making me wonder if he really thought he’d get through it unnoticed, obviously some loud mouth cock block would come along and say “what the fuck are you fat fucks doing”, I mean you’re fucking on the side of the road like a fucking retard!

I don’t know why the filmer has to make it about race, I think people of all races fuck on the side of the road, and would argue that white people fuck on the side of the road far less than other cultures, but I’m just basing that off published abortion rates and statistics!

I would also argue that a girl of that size probably dabbles in more Black on Blonde content than this shit, but what do I know, other than maybe people need to stop thinking in terms of race, and start thinking in terms of degeneracy!

I would imagine that when Rome Fell, fat people had reached the point of fucking on the side of the road, so maybe historically, this is white person shit, or at the very least, olive colored person shit!

If you don’t think this is a sign of the collapse, you’re wrong!

Posted in:Videos




Whore Fight of the Day

I don’t know the context of this video, but basde on the song, I’ll assume it’s in Las Vegas, and that doesn’t mean it’s a new video, it just means it’s a hilarous video of a bunch of half naked, lingerie clad whores, who may not be actual whores but I’d argue that in this era, almost all the ladies out there are whores, the concept of integrity or shame or modesty has been replaced with being as vulgar and shameless as possible, they are rewarded for it, get to buy designer purses with it, but with all degeneracy, it rarely ends good, except maybe to the spectator who fucking loves seeing a bunch of whores RASSLE!

This is the kind of fall of society I was hoping for!

Posted in:Videos




Robe Removal and Other Videos of the Day

Great T-Shirt

Gym Shorts

Staying Hydrated

Hot Dress

Hot Shirt

Insane Fucking stunts

Leather Skirt Dancer

Strong Thighs

Kettle Bell Routine

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Cart Wheeling and Other Videos of the Day



Bike Short Demo


Abe Showing

Biceps of Champions

Gym Dreams

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Tiktok Video of the Day

Nothing like a good old fashioned (or should I say FATioned) gag that made me laugh and I’m not even 100 percent sure why!

It was either the fact that a fat bitch is doing pole dance moves like a skinny, fit hot chick, because in theory, some fat people are flexible and strong enough to lift themselves, while remaining fat because they just don’t do it nearly enough to offset their food addiction.

It could be that the dog is watching her, maybe he smells something tasty while mom’s strippde down and airing herself out.

Or maybe it’s the fact that they edited in some LOLZ, even though I would have chosen a different animal to better represent the talent on the pole!

Is this fat shaming, maybe, but if you’re fat and posting half naked pole dance videos, maybe it’s okay to be shamed like this was still high school, if anything bullying works!

Posted in:Videos




Bikini Reveal and Other Videos of the Day

Dress Reveal

Better with the Sweatshirt Off

Oiled Up Legs

Weird Fucking Dancer

Bikini Babe Showing her Guns

Just a Casual and Subtle Girl

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Peeing on Side of Road Fail and Other Videos of the Day



Big Titty Doctor

Short Skirt Dancer

Short Shorts

Golf Slut

This is Ableism
0″ height=”764″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/MjnPv3xKnKA” title=”T. Rex – Girl ?Little Bro?? #tiktok#shorts#ArnaOfficial” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen>

period Hacks

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Is this really the Elton John / Britney Spears Official Video of the Day

I am of the school of thought that the Britney conservatorship being dropped was fake. I even think the free Britney movement was fake, or at least ignored for decades until it was needed to become a viral movement when people were locked in their houses bored.

I do not believe that Britney is free, or even alive, I don’t believe she got married, and the people interviewed about her wedding were all industry plants, liars, part of the fucking lie.

I do believer he husband is a bought actor, because he’s an actor and playing the role of Britney husband is huge, especially for a gay like him, meaning he can lie about the whole thing, so long as he gets paid!

It’s just too fucking easy!

Well, to keep the whole Britney is Free and money making while she’s a hot, marketable ticket item, all these retards lining up to support her because they just don’t know the truth, they’ve dropped a Britney/Elton John dance song that they claim is Britney singing, but it’s robot music!

Apparently, this was recorded in 2015 and they sat on it, so why not pretend it’s hot off the presses!

To make the whole lie seem more obvious, like they are mocking us, I saw this clip of what they are saying is the official music video, a Palm Springs pool party!

The kicker, Britney and Elton are played by actors. Two people who are huge stars, on camera all the time said “I’ll sit this one out”, maybe because Britney is in a fucking dungeon somewhere!

At least that’s the conspiracy, believe what you want, who really cares about these rich fucks celebrated for their shit music, I’m more into watching the bikini bitches who could have been hotter, but whatever!

Posted in:Britney Spears|Videos




Cinematic Clothed Sex Position Demo and Other Videos of the Day


Stay Hydrated


Greek Rock Dive from the Creeper Cam

Parking Lot Thighs

Truck Gut

She Busty

Short Skirt

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos