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She’s Thirsty and Other Videos of the Day

She’s Thirsty

She’s Thirsty

Towel Drop

Jacuzzi Time

Mesh Outfit Try On Tease


Bikini Body

Mask On – Shirt Off

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Double the Bikinis and Other Videos of the Day

Woohooo Dancing Sluts

Sports Bra

Strong Chick

Pussy Stretch

Girl and her Yoga

Ballerina Stretch

Boat Stretch

Fit Bitch

Lady in Red

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Giving Herself a Wedgie and Other Videos of the Day

Daily Reminder:

Deep Stretch

Shirt Wedgie

Bench Press Titties

Park Slut


Get Those Inner Thighs Sorted

Big Fat Titties

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Braless in Tight Shorts and Other Videos of the Day


On all fours


Tight Leggings!

Deep Stretch

Standing Proud

Casually Hanging Out

Comfy Pants



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NYC Has Figured Out Fun of the Day

All these uptight motherfuckers, all soft and boring, are complaining that NYC has basically fallen apart in the last few years, crime is up, fucked up shit is going down, people are fucking on the Subway platform, you know amazing things….that you could consider dystopian if you’re a wimpy white lady from the midwest who works as a school teacher.

The way I see it, NYC was at it’s prime when it was near bankrupt, fully corrupt cesspool of disgusting back in the 70s and I guess 80s, don’t quote me, I’ve only been to NYC once…

But I came across this subway summer party, a little slip and slide, with midgets and brown liquor, booty in bikini twerking, and I thought, that’s the kind of flash mob we need for a viral stunt…because flash mobs don’t have to be as lame as when the theatre troops used to put them together for viral videos before people realized you can just take a selfie of your tits instead of putting in the work.

All this to say, this shit, looks incredible….and how I want to see a city, society, speicies collapse….getting TURNT….or LIT….or is that racist to quote rap catch phrases when posting people in a subway having a good time like it’s a ghetto rap video….since everything is racist now…

Who knows, but this is great…..don’t be a fun killer, let the people live.

Posted in:Videos




Grocery Store Shopper and Other Videos of the Day

Beach Workout

Look into her Eyes

Look into her Eyes

Look into her Eyes

GYM Girl


What Time is It

She’s a Cow Girl

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Wise Words of the Day

I don’t do politics here because I don’t know anything about politics and I hate the idea of politicians being influencers or personalities, especially in this dumb era of social media where they rely on scandal and clickbait to get noticed….

I do not believe these self involved assholes and opportunists actually give a shit about the people, they view them as line items on an agenda that advances themselves and not the actual people…..

They are flip floppers who get paid too much to scam the people….

But I will say that the controversial, hated, rumored underage dater Matt Gaetz brings some real wisdom to this interview and that is….


Who cares if people get offended when called fat, ugly, disgusting, pigs….it’s not bullying to speak YOUR TRUTH…..and when they get appalled or offeneded….LET THEM BE OFFENDED!

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Hot Blue Dress Babe Brings the Hot Outfit Check of the Day

I came across this hot babe doing a “‘fit check” which is where people post up their outfit they are wearing that day in a “Felt Cute Might Delete” later kind of way, and I guess this motherfucker felt cute and seems pretty fucking stoked about his hot little dress, primed and ready for a church picnic or other semi formal summery event….like High Tea because there’s no way this dude isn’t High Society British…..

The good news is, he does a bunch of these that you can jerk off to on TIKTOK but be warned – CHINA will be watching….

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Boob Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Bikini Girls

Titty Dance

Bikini Girls…

Car Cleavage

Body Builder


Learning Gymnastics

Park Ass Weirdness

Hotel Girl

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Mikayla Demaiter is the Hot Goalie in a Bikini of the Day

Mikayla Demaiter got famous on the internet, you know, one of those “went viral” kinds of situations, because she’s a Canadian goalie with huge fucking tits, makes herself up like a typical bimbo of the internet, where every look she gives is one you can probably find a filter that millions of other girls have used and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, when you factor in her awesome tits

She is from Canada, what’s up Canada, which means she doesn’t just use maple syrup as lube, she actually self lubricates with maple syrup….it is in her blood…a delicious stick mess.

Unlike most Canadian female ice hockey players, she doesn’t look like she’s got a dick, or that she works the farm on weekends with the boys, but instead like an actual chick. How does that make sense?

I guess when your’e Canadian, like having a Maple Syrup pussy, you are just born with the Hockey skills needed to get you viral enough for dudes to realize you have big tits, so that you can launch an onlyfans and live out your slutty dreams, because hockey isn’t her only talent, being born with big tits, like a big titty savant, or virtuoso, like those autistic kids who learn classical piano at 4 years old, she was born with all she fucking needed, and it wasn’t HOCKEY PADS, it was a whole other kind of pad that requires no pads or chicken cutlets cuz they’re huge.

This is her giving Baywatch some POINTERS….

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