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Archive for the Alessandra Ambrosio Category




Alessandra Ambrosio for a Magazine of the Day


When you’re raised in Brazilian Poverty…or really in Brazil in general, because it is a dangerous place at least according to Liveleak, where shit like this – happens to girls on the regular:

You take advantage of you tall model body and the mid 2000 Brazil hype you call the “blessing” your catholic god has given you to be a nude or half nude model for an evil billion dollar corporation, to help put Brazil on the map, or to at least make money so you and your family never have to work again….you don’t let a pregnancy ruin your fucking body like you were arrogant Adriana Lima, just too cocky in her look to really stop from being a mom by 30…

Unless she was bred in a Victoria’s Secret lab in the middle of the Brazilian jungle using technology and medical procedures that aren’t regulated there…

Either way, what I am trying to say, is that despite her no contraception thanks to a love for Jesus and the Pope practices, her kids haven’t destroyed her from being fit as fuck..

Unless this is photoshop – which it can’t be, there’s no way..

Old News (literally), Shit pics (definitely)

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in White T-Shirt for Your Masturbation of the Day


I wonder what percentage of people have jerked off in the changing room of a department store to a bag of Hanes cheap undershirts….I am thinking at least one weirdo has done it….while thousands have probably used their cheap undershirt to clean off their cum after sex, not that you have sex, but it’s something normal people do…and or jerking off…something you lost jobs because you can’t get enough of it…you weird, lonely, pathetic fuck…

Well now you can jerk off to Alessandra Ambrosio, a mom who peaked 10 years ago as Victoria’s Secret’s newest model, in t-shirts..

I have no idea why you would based on all your options…but I like to facilitate the weirdos…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Whores Out for Shoes of the DAy


Alessandra Ambrosio is too old for this kind of behavior…sure she’s the original Victoria’s Secret model from Brazil…I mean besides 60% of the other models they’ve used from Brazil…but she’s still too old for this model shit…

I may not be into Alessandra Ambrosio, but I do find it interesting that as a Brazilian, there is a 92% chance that she’s got a dick and that her kids she had as a good Catholic girl were bought in some Brazilian village…with Victoria’s Secret money….I mean if that was the case, it’d make her more interesting….than her breast implants do…

I guess this one’s for the foot fetishists – they love all feet…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio and Cristiano Ronaldo in GQ of the Day


I used to work in an office filled with what were called metrosexuals, it was the late 90s and that was a thing.

They ran the gayest website of all time, I mean other than gay porn or gay content, since it was designed for the everyday man…but in all their going to the gym to shower together, while dressing in what they thought made them look GQ, getting their hair done, shaving their chests, talking about how to pick-up girls using their tactics, when really just wanting the gangbang to have an excuse to play with each other’s boners, in what was Euro homophobes, where the gayest dudes play hetero….leaving me to wonder “why do they hate gay dudes so much, when clearly they are the biggest fucking faggots around”….

Well back then, Cristiano Ronaldo, was their idol, they fucking loved this guy, they dressed like him, wanted to be him and there was no way they didn’t want to fuck them in their weird way – while he would probbaly fuck them because when he’s not pulling the Leo with models like Irina Shayk, and now Ambrosio for GQ….Euros…

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini of the Day

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Alessandra Ambrosio is in a bikini. She’s a bikini model. This is some inception shit. Or as the tumblr kids would say “meta”….and it looks like she’s not even getting paid…this is like a doctor going to surgery at the grocery store just for fun…

I am not into Alessandra Ambrosio, but I do find it interesting that as a Brazilian, there is a 92% chance that she’s got a dick and that her kids she had as a good Catholic girl were bought in some Brazilian village…the plot thickens…and so do her tits…thanks to breast implants.

To See the Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Round Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day


Alessandra Ambrosio’s breast implants are clown-like…

These are tit tits that get paid millions of dollars a year to be put in a bikini..along with an average looking 35 year old face…

Yet they are so clown-like…

Just little round bolt ons she probably paid 5k for, making for a solid ROI, paid for themselves dozens of times over….

I’m not sure if the tits happened post baby deflated from all the milk sucking…or if she’s always had them…

I’m just not impressed when fake is celebrated or hired and paid stupid money…especially when fake is THIS fake…like circles drawn onto her…in a world where there are thousands of actual great tits better suited for the contracts she’s been milking, something she can’t do with her tits, since they are plastic, all these years…

Yes, I hate fake tits…


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio is the Love Magazine Advent Calendar Star of the Day


So Love Magazine’s Christmas Advent Calendar that has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas because Christmas is a dated, Christian based holiday and if you’re white and Christian in this world you don’t matter, you’re just a fucking racist…mainstream fuck…when everyone knows it’s way more hip to participate in more obscure and politically correct holidays…like the Winter Solstice…connecting to our Pagan roots…

Day 11, for December 11, much like the chocolate you used to pull out of your cardboard Advent Calendar, celebrating 2 weeks until Christmas….is Alessandra Ambrosio in an American Bikini, rolling around on an American Flag…as a Brazilian model…for a British magazine…because America is what made this bitch matter…or at least afford the life of luxury through her modeling / sugar babying..

She looks fine, it’s hard to get excited by this kind of thing…but it’s here…so watch it….


Ambrosio was also at some event, because this video was probably shot months ago, and she was showing off her tit, so that happened…and you can see the rest of the pics… CLICK HERE


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Love Magazine|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Harper’s Bazaar Kazakstan of the Day


If you’re interested in Kazakstan fashions…here’s Alessandra Ambrosio, a lingerie model, being as slutty as she can for these Arabs / Russian / Asia border…becuase you don’t want to offend the wrong person and have them go shoot up your planned parenthood….

I would make a Kazakstan joke, but I think Borat built a fucking career on that, so we can just stare at Alessandra’s old mom face and remember that all things die.

Maybe it’s better that she’s in winter gear…you know save the half nakedness for the youth who have replaced her…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio for H&M Swim of the Day

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I guess there is no loyalty in the model world, or maybe there is no exclusivity agreement, or maybe Victoria’s Secret owns H&M, because why else would they allow a model they created, promote their shit, even if she’s got two kids and is on the verge of irrelevance….

I can only assume this is a “we have a dozen hotter and younger girls than Alessandra, but we’re in contract with her, let’s present this H&M gig as a deal to her, in our model trade wars, and make her think we’re trying to give her the best deal, when really we just don’t want her in VS anymore”…

Because when you’re a model, interchangeable, you don’t fuck with your lifeline, so this is their doing…and why VS would want to give her to H&M is simpe…she’s old and a mom….

I hate bikini ecommerce catalog pics..but here they are…

If you’re more into her in MAXIM, here that is…naked with fake tit…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in Pyjamas for Glamour Magazine of the DAy


Alessandra Ambrosio wore old lady pyjamas in her latest magazine spread…because I guess sometimes…usually after a couple of kids…the lingerie, if you can call Victoria’s Secret lingerie model…needs to tun in the sex appeal…and act her mid 30s mom age…there comes a time where the companies don’t want her in the micro G string…but more the flannel, sick with a cold, on a winter day look…and I guess she’s pulling it off…if comfortable pyjamas are something anyone would want to pull off…it is more the “you’re jerking off to porn while I’m in the other room watching a movie, because I don’t fuck you on pyjama day”…it’s either period, menopause, we’re in a fight…I don’t fucking know…but no sex is happening…and who even wants sex with this pyjama wearer…she’s pretty expired and anyone rich enough for her to date..is probably out there fucking the younger versions of her…I know I would be..unless she had dirt to black mail not black male…me…

Who knows…this doesn’t matter…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW