And it is with these two videos that the Love Magazine December Advent Calendar for New Years Eve comes to an end…and it is with great sadness…that I present you their last two entries of girls in panties, in studio, dancing around…in some low hanging fruit style…lack of creativity, but they put out 30 videos so they don’t have to be good
Hannah Ferguson….the Sports Illustrated, rumored 20,000 dollars a night, but don’t judge because everyone has a price…and this one is published….pretending to be 23, but looking much closer to 40, with her hard face from hard living, and focus on her hard body from hard work…because it’s all part of her plan to get work…
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Imaan Hammam….is a 19 year old dutch model who isn’t famous yet, so appreciate her insane young model body, before she’s too famous to appreciate it…
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It was a good run Love Magazine, see you next year…
I don’t really know when the turning point for these famous kids were, you know where they went from being socialites who just do drugs and fuck a lot, to actually getting paid to be at events, to endorse products, while being considered “models”….it’s pretty fucking bootleg and I hate any brand or company that uses them to leverage their own campaigns because they have followings…because it is low hanging fruit, bottom feeding, lame…and perpetuating this nonsense..
I have been seen Hailey Baldwin in person…I didn’t even fucking notice her, and when told who she was I didn’t even remember who she was, yes I was drunk, but I didn’t give a fuck and either would you, because there are actual hot models and hot girls in the world, some bratty entitled rich kid who knows her angles in her selfies and who hangs out with Beiber and Kardashians is hardly something to support…
Here she is kissing the camera in Love Magazines’ anti-Christmas advent calendar the features every fame whore around…half naked…
Love Magazine is from the UK, so it’s only natural they’d use one of thier own for their shoot. Seeing as their take on America involved the instagram starlets everyone hates but still follow…was what I consider a bust…while Abigail Clancy, who goes by Abbey Clancy stripping…is a must..
That was a rhyming scheme for Christmas, because Abigail’s ass makes me poetic on this Christmas day…as nothing says Christmas like not recognizing that Christmas exists….but having a girl roll around a bed naked doesn’t need Jesus’ birth, it can happen always…and it does…on instagram…
Bella Hadid is the darker haired, probably more interesting Hadid, who is like the Kardashians up on exploiting the entire family, from parents on Reality shows talking about how rich they are, to their shitty kids, who just fuck around all day…where one books high paying modeling jobs thanks to being positioned properly, and the other one doesn’t need to work, because neither of them need to work they are rich kids and their parents support and even life this lifestyle…but thanks to America’s fascination with rich kids, like they are the “cool kids” in your highschool, despite not even being that hot…they can excel as models…
She fucks The Weeknd, I know girls who fuck him behind her back, it’s a Toronto gossip thing when Bella’s not in town with him…and I guess who cares, she’s just in it for the press and his fans…and for some reason, Love Magazine is all about her…even making stupid, not very clever, videos with her for the Advent calendar…
She’s in panties, whatever, I expect more concept…this whole Love Magazine Advent Calendar is a fucking mess…but I guess they’re laughing that people like me are dumb enough to promote it…
On Saturday….Rita Ora brought the only thing Christmas that Love Magazine has put out in their Advent Calendar because they realize that Christmas is offensive to most people, at least young people they are trying to target, all hung up on their politically correct bullshit…I didn’t watch the video, I just posted it – but have been doing this long enough to know Rita Ora was probably pushing out her tits…she loves those things and so do you..
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On Sunday…Jasmine Sanders…was the filler, probably fucking the producer, photographer, the people at Love Magazine…because I’ve never heard of her…or maybe she’s an instagram model sensation that the world fucking loves and I am just out of the look on, because I hate instagram and the instagram famous it has created…I’m ready for a new app to trick the world into making people billionaires..
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Then today, the big production featuring everyone’s second or maybe third favorite Hadid…Bella the one who fucks the Weeknd, thanks to leveraging her sisters success, and using the same formula and budget to create her personal brand, in this personal brand based world….alongside with Victoria’s Secret hipster detail, we call Stella Maxwell who let Miley finger her for the press…that’s how eager these sluts are… and Kelly Rohrbach from Sports Illustrated fame, which is hardly fame, but pretty bootleg modelling now that instagram, the same platform that made these girls, exists…we see them in bikinis everyday…and I guess so does Leonardo DiCaprio, since he adopted this one for his sex adventures…that I hear include men….
They did a little tribute to a 70s exploitation movie, or maybe a Quentin Tarantino version of an old Grindhouse classic…and I didn’t watch it…but I posted it…because I have that capabilities…
I guess I’m just irritated watching all these idiots seemingly act relevant doing the same fucking thing over and over and over again..I need more out of the world of advertising, content production, it’s all so safe…it’s all so dull…and tits…are great but still just tits…ask any feminist…she’ll fucking tell you.
So Love Magazine’s Christmas Advent Calendar that has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas because Christmas is a dated, Christian based holiday and if you’re white and Christian in this world you don’t matter, you’re just a fucking racist…mainstream fuck…when everyone knows it’s way more hip to participate in more obscure and politically correct holidays…like the Winter Solstice…connecting to our Pagan roots…
Day 11, for December 11, much like the chocolate you used to pull out of your cardboard Advent Calendar, celebrating 2 weeks until Christmas….is Alessandra Ambrosio in an American Bikini, rolling around on an American Flag…as a Brazilian model…for a British magazine…because America is what made this bitch matter…or at least afford the life of luxury through her modeling / sugar babying..
She looks fine, it’s hard to get excited by this kind of thing…but it’s here…so watch it….
Ambrosio was also at some event, because this video was probably shot months ago, and she was showing off her tit, so that happened…and you can see the rest of the pics… CLICK HERE
Here’s a little Christmas cheer in the form of no Christmas cheer with nothing to do with Christmas at all because Christmas is associated with a religion and that’s not very Politically Correct, unless your religion is non Christian…
For the last 5-6 years I’ve been featuring this Love Magazine Advent calendar content because I find it semi interesting, ambitious, something to talk about in a world where everything, including this is dull…
But in Love Magazine’s defence, that could have nothing to do with them and everything to do with an old, tired, Christina Milian pretending she was Miley Cyrus with her inflatables, because that’s big on instagram, something Milian has been trying to make happen since she got Instagram…and that I guess worked out for her…thanks to being rich, on TV and posting slutty pics…it’s like scientific formula…or some shit…
I find Mom Milian boring, sad, even pathetic….she probably gets 100,000 – 1,000,000 dollars a month for her writing credit on Bieber’s Baby, Baby, Baby…which makes her rolling around in a bikini strictly for her own vanity…and I prefer when whores are a bit more humble…
Love Magazine did it…they went Kardashian…because the world is a pile of fucking fame whores..
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Day 7- Kris Jenner By Doug Inglish
I understand why Love Magazine would bother with Kris Jenner in their ADvent Calendar. She’s an old timer hooker, and she’s got a huge brand under her hooker watch…meaning they’ll get press..
I don’t understand why Love Magazine would bother with Kris Jenner, if they are really interested in art and fashion and creating quality content…feeding into the Kardashian movement, even if it is ironic and they are mocking Kris Jenner, doing her synchronized swimming act you know she probably learned in her 20s to get into the rich people parties before marrying the rich people…it’s still Kris Jenner.
I find it irresponsible for any media outlet to try to cash in on social media ad dollars, and doing it by using anyone in this terrible family of bottom feeders who are now at the top…
I get it, they did instagram modeling, famous for nothing best…and they command huge budgets because of a huge audience…but for a magazine of “forward thinkers” to say “let’s use her”…in any way that doesn’t make her look like an asshole that she is…maybe have her standing in execution stance and shot with rubber bullets or something..but to glam the trashy up and do this…deserves all the little hipsters to stand up and revolt…
The problem is that all the little hipsters are famewhores, obsessed with the people with a bigger following…and would be more into trying to get a selfie with them…
The world is fucking doomed…just watch this fucked up, early softcore porn shit….
Love Magazine saves the weekend of the no names…
Day 6- Immy Waterhouse by Boo George
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This is Immy Waterhouse smoking in bed, in black and white, because it’s artsy and dramatic…I assume Immy Waterhouse is related to Suki Waterhouse, as these sisters of models often try to be models too…and the whole thing is pretty uneventful…
Day 5- Caoline Flack by Sam Faulkner:
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Caroline Flack is a chubby girl with bit tits in some high waisted lingerie dancing awkwardly, as chubby girls often do, ….because they are far better at sitting and eating than anything that gets their heart rate up long enough to possibly have a heart attack…but then again, I’ve had sex with fat girls who really fucking bring it, but they were far more coordinated dancers than this..but then again…maybe they are just trying to be jokers…who cares..
Irina Shayk may be old news, but she’s the fucking future…
A sugar baby / mail order who made it…hero to us all…with A list rich boyfriends..because her ass looks like this….
I repeat….Her Ass Looks Like This….
I don’t hate Love Magazine or their Advent Calendar…that is why I rip off their content and repurpose it with valuable commentary…like “Look at these jerks, where do they get off being such jerks, using top paid models and celebrities to bring in holiday cheer, in videos….with half nakedness and dancing..”…such jerks…and commentary like “look at them using it-girls and people who people actually care about because they want to get the publicity as publicity makes them money”….those jerks…unacceptable…
I love Christmas…and I like that Love is pulling it off in this Christmasless world we live in….so to see the rest of the now annual Advent Calendar HERE
Pam Anderson, in a black wig and lingerie…is Day 3 of the Love Magazine 31 days of December – people of interest in lingerie dancing silly – online bonanza….that isn’t for Christmas because Christmas is so dated…but rather for the all encompassing “Holiday”…and I think the “Holiday Miracle” in all this is that people consider an old tired Pam Anderson full of plastic surgery to be a person of interest….I mean if this was a long lost sex tape from the 90s, I’d get it, but as it stands now…its some old man Christmas or as the kids call him – old man Holiday with silly clown tits that are only a couple of years old….doing things she did in her 20s and even 30s…in her 50s….its weird… But maybe I’m just at a loss for words now that she’s beat hepatitis…for those of you who don’t know, making a fun of a girl or woman or granny for being a whore when she’s got the hepatitis to prove it was the obvious and the easy…literally…and I like things easy…obviously…..
Here’s to Canada….and old ladies…keeping the “i guess I’d fuck her…alive…
I love Christmas…and I like that Love is pulling it off in this Christmasless world we live in….so to see the rest of the now annual Advent Calendar HERE